When Riding Today Who Followed The Traffic Rules Of The Road?

Most of us ride on the chainlink. All of us our in a hurry! So we know that bikes may get you from point A to point B quicker than a car. But how often do we actually follow the rules of the road? We want the same rights as a car does. So why don't we do these? Well today I did and you know that I found out a few things doing this. 1) I seen more respect from the cars today then any other day. 2) It really didn't take me that much longer to get from point (A) - (B) .  Maybe 5 minutes more in travel time. 3) It gave me a better workout when I really wasn't trying to achieve that. 4) Most of all it gave me a better safety feeling. I generally do follow the rules of the road, But I to do find my self coming to that stop sign & not making a complete stop. (Were one foot touches the ground) This is when a car knows what you are doing! Being predicable. 

My whole point is or was to see a difference in bike vs car as to respect.   

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Who are you!

Well done.

I'm a fellow cyclist just like you & everybody on here or in Chicago. I'm not looking for any trouble just started an open discussion that I believe is very political & conversational.

DaToSSuPKiNG said:

Who are you!

I will follow the rules of the road when you follow the rules of grammar.

OK, I think that just with that one comment. I'll say this that I ride bike for fun & business, but mainly enjoyment. I know do hold a safety certificate. Though League Of American Cyclist which is an L.C.I. League Certify Instructor. I don't think that should matter about my discussion.

To help add to your discussion...

No, I don't ALWAYS follow traffic laws to the 'T'.

I don't make a complete stop at every stop sign. If there is no traffic around I will only slow down, if there is traffic and a car is starting to go as I am slowing down, I will shadow beside the car - But if there is people crossing the street or other vehicles, I will stop and wait.

In the loop, I often 'get in line' at stop lights instead of squeezing to the front - I typically go under the El so space can be limited with double parked cars or deliver trucks where ever. Also, I often run the red lights when my safety and others will not be compromised, IE nothing coming.

At the 6-way stops on Lincoln, I sometimes 'creep' out to get a head start. Not to race, but to be seen by cars. (That was a topic for another thread!)

When I break/bend laws, I do it when I feel it is safe for everyone. It is not about the time it takes to wait, it is more about the ease for me to flow with traffic.

We are all adults trying to make the best choices that we see fit to get from A to B, and we will never agree on what is 'right', law or not. But those are my two cents.


(Edit in... I do try to use hand signals, not the middle finger :) - No matter how nice or good a cyclist we are we are going to piss some drivers off, because they don't feel we should be on the road. I try my best to respect everyone.)

I always follow the rules of the road. I wave a thank you to those drivers that show me a courtesy. If we cyclists want respect, we have to show some.

Thank you very much for being open. I agree with you that we our all adults trying to make the right choices in life.

Jenn_W said:

To help add to your discussion...

No, I don't ALWAYS follow traffic laws to the 'T'.

I don't make a complete stop at every stop sign. If there is no traffic around I will only slow down, if there is traffic and a car is starting to go as I am slowing down, I will shadow beside the car - But if there is people crossing the street or other vehicles, I will stop and wait.

In the loop, I often 'get in line' at stop lights instead of squeezing to the front - I typically go under the El so space can be limited with double parked cars or deliver trucks where ever. Also, I often run the red lights when my safety and others will not be compromised, IE nothing coming.

At the 6-way stops on Lincoln, I sometimes 'creep' out to get a head start. Not to race, but to be seen by cars. (That was a topic for another thread!)

When I break/bend laws, I do it when I feel it is safe for everyone. It is not about the time it takes to wait, it is more about the ease for me to flow with traffic.

We are all adults trying to make the best choices that we see fit to get from A to B, and we will never agree on what is 'right', law or not. But those are my two cents.

True True

Gene Tenner said:

I always follow the rules of the road. I wave a thank you to those drivers that show me a courtesy. If we cyclists want respect, we have to show some.

Although I agree with Jenn W that we will probably never all agree to follow the same "rules of the road," I actually follow pretty much the exact same principles Jenn outlined above.

Great conversation, much needed! We're all people out there trying to get around whether we're biking, driving, walking or transiting...let's respect each other!

Ethan Spotts,

Active Trans

Great approach overall, sounds very safe!

We're also fans of signaling and waving, thumbs up is good too. Double thumbs up if you can, but keep it safe, people.

Ethan, Active Trans


(Edit in... I do try to use hand signals, not the middle finger :) - No matter how nice or good a cyclist we are we are going to piss some drivers off, because they don't feel we should be on the road. I try my best to respect everyone.)


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