It seems like someone is always starts this conversation with me. I always say that driving is more dangerous. I hate driving. There are a lot of reckless drivers out there and most of the time cyclists get hurt because of reckless drivers. Drunk driving, and all that as well. I don't know that's just my opinion but someone always tries to tell me that cycling is more dangerous. I guess it can go both ways though.

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Another thread that's goIng to blow up. Let me get popcorn

+1000 Will & John.

I'm throwing my 2 cents on: motorcycling.  All of the lack of roll-cage, crumple zones and seatbelts, like a bicycle, coupled with the potential for excessive speed like a car.  If you fly over the handlebars doing 90 mph, you're in for a world of hurt.

In this interview on Chicago Tonight from 2008, Ben Gomberg cites a statistic that "per mile traveled, bicycling is safer than being in a car" but I've never been able to find out what the source was.

We should all meet in a bar with wifi and have a thread blowing up party :-)

Just Will said:

Another thread that's goIng to blow up. Let me get popcorn

I would say the one where you are not wrapped in a cage and surrounded by things that outweigh you by a ton is the more dangerous one...

Dangerous to WHOM?

I think there is to many variable that need to be answered first in order to answer this question.

the driver is safer in the car vs a the person riding the bike.

the outside world is safer with cyclists vs drivers, i've never heard of a person being crushed by a bike, or a bike going through a restaurant's front door while occupied

Dangerous to society

James BlackHeron said:

Dangerous to WHOM?


Cars and their drivers are a danger to everyone around them -while they are relatively safely ensconced within their steel cocoons padded with high-tech airbags and restraint systems designed to insulate them from their mistakes and the carnage they produce outside. 

Samuel Diaz said:

Dangerous to society

James BlackHeron said:

Dangerous to WHOM?

Out in the far suburbs I would say biking is more dangerous. Cars do not know how to handle bike riders and frequently speed past me. Back in the day when I use to drink & drive I would say that driving was much more dangerous than biking under the influence. A couple of DUI's and a car accident has taught me that.

Out near me they go into the other lane to pass.

El Dorado said:

Out in the far suburbs I would say biking is more dangerous. Cars do not know how to handle bike riders and frequently speed past me. Back in the day when I use to drink & drive I would say that driving was much more dangerous than biking under the influence. A couple of DUI's and a car accident has taught me that.

I was on the Milwaukee bus a few days ago. This biker and the bus driver were arguing on the topic. The bus driver went on a rant on how bikers just make drivers nervous and cause problems. He went on to say they cause most of car accidents. I couldn't help but laugh. It came to a point where the bus driver wanted to kick the guy off the bus and not let him get his bike off the rack. 


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