I went to check out a bike on Craigslist this evening. I showed up and there was a guy manning a small bike rack with bikes for sale from his porch. I asked to see the bike he had listed and realized he wasn't the guy I talked to. This guy calls a woman who then comes out of a different building and leads me into another building. When she opens the door, my mouth dropped....hundreds of bikes lined up in a massive room. All these are used bikes but of all shapes and forms. I start waking around and spot a Trek 520, some Specialized bikes, a Bridgestone, Schwinns of all years makes and varieties. Some are in new condition...some in aweful condition. My mind started racing and I started thinking stolen bikes. The bike that I came for was found and now there was another guy involved who was most likely the guy I talked to on the phone. I had already decided that I wasn't comfortable and made up an excuse that the bike was in bad condition (the paint had some massive scratches). They were going to give the bike to me for a song and I declined and left. What makes me feel like this isn't legit is that there were so many bikes of all types and it isn't a shop, or thrift store, or organization and there didn't seem to be an understanding of what some of those bikes were worth. Is it possible this is legit and I'm letting my own predujices cloud my judgement? What would you make of this?
Sounds sketch to me. Do you have some more details on the location? Or a link to the origional ad?
Message me if you don't want to post it on the board.
Is it this place?
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