What made you laugh?  What made you mad? What did you learn?

Think back to this year and let us know which forum thread was your favorite.  Let's keep it to threads started in 2011.

Looking forward to seeing what you liked!

Personally I'm going to have to think on this one for a bit......


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I think any of the threads where folks could talk about the nice commute they had should qualify.

There's a bunch of them out there.

I always enjoy reading additions to this one...



S.Presley said:

I always enjoy reading additions to this one...


Anything which has cats or kittens wearing clothing. 

That's what I'm talking about. That thread concludes with a picture of a kitten in a sweater vest. 

Shay said:


Cameron Puetz said:

Penguins are also acceptable.



Kevin C said:

Anything which has cats or kittens wearing clothing. 


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