I saw a cabbie push his way through a crowd of people crossing the street, and another guy try to turn left against the light across the Dearborn protected bike lane.

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What's the matter, didn't receive a favorable enough response when you posted this in the "I rode today thread?" 

Around 5:45am, I saw an SUV run the red light on Elston at Fry and then ignore the red light at Elston/Milwaukee when making a left turn onto Milwaukee. Then I was shoaled by two ninja fixie bikers as they ran the red light at Milwaukee and Chicago.

I witnessed a car parked in the middle of the Dearborn protected bike lane.

So I dismounted, and walked my bike over his car, from hood to trunk.  Safety first, and all that.  I don't want to be putting myself in danger by biking south in the streets of north-bound Dearborn.

A few things happened, and I think one of the witnesses called the police.  I continued on my way to work.  Hopefully he gets a ticket for parking there.

I like to think that I'm a pretty safe and courteous cyclist, but after thinking it over, I guess I'm one of those scofflaw cyclists! Lets see... I rolled through 3 stop signs on California, rolled through 3 more on Augusta, turned right onto Milwaukee from Augusta while in the left lane, rolled through the red light while heading south on Milwaukee at Elston, rode to the right of construction barrels on Chicago while heading up to the bridge, got a head start on a couple lights on while riding east on Chicago Ave and finally rolled through another stop sign on State St. 

So, I probably committed at least a dozen traffic violations on my way to work this morning, and I'm probably on the safer-side of the commuter spectrum. 

I ran 19 stop signs on my commute to work. I used to run about 25 stop signs on my daily commute, but it is reduced because I change my route to streets that have fewer stop signs.


Christine (5.0) said:

So I dismounted, and walked my bike over his car, from hood to trunk.  Safety first, and all that.  I don't want to be putting myself in danger by biking south in the streets of north-bound Dearborn.

I witnesses a guy on a long skateboard in the bike lane. I don't think they have any business being in the lane.

I'm not sure what the law states about skateboards in the bike lane. It doesn't bother me so much, since the guy on a skateboard is more of a nuisance on the sidewalk vs the street.

El Dorado said:

I witnesses a guy on a long skateboard in the bike lane. I don't think they have any business being in the lane.

I saw a bunch of cyclists running stop signs, salmoning, running lights, riding at night without any reflectors or lights, and I'm pretty sure I'm about to see one throw spark plugs.

I took my miata out over the weekend with all the wet leaves on the ground and did burnouts and donuts.  It's low power but you can spin the rear tires to red line in first and second when the ground is wet like that. 

I don't like this thread.

Just my $.02

High speed pass-bys that are less than a foot all along Warren and Washington on the West Side.  Every couple of days.


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