So I had to replace my helmet. Now i want to do something with the old one and want some creative ideas. This was the helmet that protected my noggin through a hit and run And when the Crazy, Old, Chick turned me into a hood ornament. I'm loving this helmet and want to give it a good send off. Only idea i had was during the next Marauders ride where there might be a bonfire I would toss it in but that doesn't seem like enough....Lemme know your ideas... ;-)

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There has to be other great uses. Last year at the green fest there was a stand that used a lot of old bike parts and made neat things like a wallet from an old inner tube. Maybe the EPA knows a good use? I'll ask the recycling expert there and post it if its interesting.
Thanks Julie. I await your response. ;-)

Julie Hochstadter said:
There has to be other great uses. Last year at the green fest there was a stand that used a lot of old bike parts and made neat things like a wallet from an old inner tube. Maybe the EPA knows a good use? I'll ask the recycling expert there and post it if its interesting.
I would say don't put it in a bonfire because of the dioxins or whatever kind of plastic fumes you'd create.

Two ideas:
These make great drainage layers at the bottoms of planters on porches (head-side down), because they're light-weight for the porch, and allow air and water under the plants.

Paint it white and make it part of a ghost-bike.
Dioxins, sadly for everyone and the environment, don't bother me. ;-) A pseudo-viking funeral. ;-)
Then on behalf of all Chicago asthmatics, I sincerely hope you don't CHOKE on the fumes, Gabe. :-)
make it look like it shattered with wires, and mount it to a torphy head board thing
Bronze it!
If you feel it saved your head, write up a paragraph about the incident, take a photo of the helmet, and I'll put it on my website Helmets save Heads
Thanks for the invite Kathy, I will write up a paragraph for sure cause my head woulda been in bad shape.

And Rachel, as the thing is burning I will likely be smoking a cigarette. ;-) I'll do my best to choke on the fumes for ya. ;-)

Lee, and Rod, I think it can't live in the house. Space is a hot commodity.

Kathy Schubert 'n Joey Schnauzer said:
If you feel it saved your head, write up a paragraph about the incident, take a photo of the helmet, and I'll put it on my website Helmets save Heads
Viking Funeral!! Blow it up! let in end with fire!
Amen! ;-)

Reddog said:
Viking Funeral!! Blow it up! let in end with fire!
Follow these directions:
1) Turn helmet upside down on top of a coffee table.
2) Line the inside of the helmet with cheesecloth.
3) Pour two (2) 1 lb bags of M&Ms candies (plain and/or peanut) into the helmet.

That's for your snacking when you get home after your bike ride!


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