On my way from Andersonville to Evanston, I get to see one of my favorite local artist's mural.



It always makes me happy to see it in person. So, I wanted to ask everyone, what's their favorite thing to see when commuting?

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It makes sense that a species that successfully makes the transition from tropics to Chicago would continue to thrive.

Riding past the critters along the Fox River Trail.

--Blommer's Chocolate when the trucks are unloading.
--Kinzie Street Bridge looking south at 3AM.
--Elston Ave. by the People's Gas warehouse/yard and the old boat yard...I've seen bobcats, coyotes, fox, a herd of over 100 rabbits running across Elston...great wildlife crossing by the river.
--Riding downtown on New Years morning around 230AM...folks making out (and more), fighting, partying, waving to bikes...a great atmosphere. Just watch out for amateurs trying to drive cars.

--Catalpa trees and french lilac bushes in bloom!


On the way home, to avoid the beach crowds and I cut through Lincoln Park Zoo where I always look for the camels. I think how blessed I am – how many people get to see camels on their commute? 

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And that I can do this every morning


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