What's going to happen to the former Cabrini Green Site/ West of the new Target?

On the corner of Division and Halsted.  Right now it's just a grassed lot, plain, with god knows what littering the ground.  Hopefully they'll make it into a park, which is sorely needed. 

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It's some prime real estate

probably another target. it seems that you can never have too many of them.

that's a valid point. 

Dan Allison 14.5 mi said:

probably another target. it seems that you can never have too many of them.

Outdoor bowling alley.

I thought that they had to build more public housing on any land that was former public housing high rises according to some federal rules. My guess is if they don't want to build more there, it will just sit.

They are building a Target on land that was former public housing high rises . . . . .
Jason said:

I thought that they had to build more public housing on any land that was former public housing high rises according to some federal rules. My guess is if they don't want to build more there, it will just sit.

On the east end of the property, right? I thought the high rises didn't go that far. Anyway, I could be wrong, but I swear I have heard that somewhere.

Nope.  Smack dab in the middle about where the last building was before they tore it down.

Well it seems HUD took over the CHA some years back, and this plan does call for replacing the housing units which were torn...

Redevelopment of Cabrini under the historic transformation plan initiated in 1999 calls for 1,200 new public housing units to replace those lost in the demolished Cabrini Extensions and Green Homes. Only 395 to date have been built.

I know, not exactly what I said, but it seems like they are still planning on making more housing there.

At least a part of this was home to the late lamented New City YMCA.   It had the biggest and best pool among all of the City YMCA's and also had substantial athletic fields.    It was a criminal waste to close New City.   Particularly because the money that was obtained from selling New City (and another YMCA near Circle) didn't actually go to fixing some of the other YMCA's in the area that need updating.   But then, with their new 365 day a year opening policy, they are really turning into a plain old health club.   (Actually they are no longer the YMCA, they are just the Y.  They dropped Christian and are now open on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years....  stupid stupid policy.

Target bought the CHA land equivalent in size spread throughout the city as a swap for that prime real estate.

What a great idea. If anyone is interested, I will be glad to buy you two houses in Englewood or Austin and swap them for a single house in Lincoln Park... that's even a better deal.  Or I'll trade you THREE Classic Huffy's for one Fuji Grand Fondo 1.1 C. THREE for one....


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