This ingenious - or so it seems - bicycle lets recumbent and upright riders have it both ways. Now that this problem is solved, we can move on to concentrate on other intractable confrontations: world peace, saving the earth, calculating the mass of the universe.

What other clever designs have you seen out there on the web ?

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A phrase I commonly hear spoken in the motorcycle industry might apply to this bike...

"This is answering a question nobody asked."
Likely questions:

From recumbent riders:"How do I get better at climbing without attaining insane spinning levels?"

From sensitive sunbathers: "How do I avoid the lighter forehead color of cyclists?"

From mathematicians: "Does cycling have an inverse function?"

From Dante Alighieri: "How does one make a quicker (cyclists read aero) decent into Hell and then get the hell out?"

follow up question from the Sommo Poeta: "I ride a nine-speed cassette, one for each circle of hell. I hear that there is a Campy 11-speed cassette. Is this entirely necessary?"

Certainly these questions have been plaguing our cultural consciousness so long that we tend to forget they are even there.

Brett Ratner said:
A phrase I commonly hear spoken in the motorcycle industry might apply to this bike...

"This is answering a question nobody asked."
Wow, that's awesome.

How about this one?

...It's an electric bike, but still.
Ravissent! Looks like the perfect bike for arc-à-techies.

Where do these things come from? And where do they end up?

Maria Boustead said:
Wow, that's awesome.

How about this one?

...It's an electric bike, but still.
I love it. I also like the fact that it climbs straight up walls. Perhaps we can just park them that way.

And with the rolling resistance, what a great exercise bike.

Now for a name:

Vélo de sucer

jillnerkowski said:
of all the amazing bicycle inventions and creations this one is my favorite:

Interesting style.
How do you steer?

Maria Boustead said:
Wow, that's awesome.

How about this one?

...It's an electric bike, but still.
something else from gizmodo today, the self locking cycle.
Answer the question of "How could I have forgotten my lock - again."

I'm sure you could remove the wheels and get them into a big lockable pile.

But notice the saddle. It looks a bit unforgiving. You would let an architect/engineer design your house, your car, perhaps even your furniture but never your shoes or your saddle - true intimate, specialty items that don't do well with T-squares or rulers.

Joe Urbanski said:
something else from gizmodo today, the self locking cycle.
lol! good point, i hadn't noticed that silly boxy shaped seat. no way the designer could be a serious cyclist.

i of course wouldn't touch anything with so many non-standard parts. anything breaks and you're pretty much screwed.

David Travis said:
Answer the question of "How could I have forgotten my lock - again."

I'm sure you could remove the wheels and get them into a big lockable pile.

But notice the saddle. It looks a bit unforgiving. You would let an architect/engineer design your house, your car, perhaps even your furniture but never your shoes or your saddle - true intimate, specialty items that don't do well with T-squares or rulers.

Joe Urbanski said:
something else from gizmodo today, the self locking cycle.


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