What kind of grease do you use for pedal cleat screws?

I have a pair of DZR shoes that I run with Crank Brothers cleats. I'm going to replace the worn out cleats with new ones and want to know what's the best grease to use on the screws. Also if there is anything I should avoid using. 

Researching online I see this primarily falls into 2 camps. Some advocate for anti-seize compound while others advocate for Loctite blue.  

I used anti-seize when I first installed the cleats. I haven't had any issues myself but read about cleat screws becoming loose over time with anti-seize. I tightened mine after about a month of use and never had to do so again. 

I'm leaning toward trying Loctite blue but want to get some feedback before doing so. 

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I've always used Park Tool's polylube, basically because it's what I had on hand. Never had a problem. 

Any grease is fine, I avoid loc-tite on cleats.

I like loc-tite on my cleats. The blue stuff. Inhibits corrosion and they never come loose. I also love disagreeing with Doug on public forums. 

I use lithium grease ever since I discovered that a cleat seized in an old shoe.  I already had a replacement shoe but I would have been upset if that had happened with a newer shoe that I wanted to keep using.

I've used lithium grease with no problems. For some reason, the thought of loctite on cleat screws makes my knees hurt

I'm not sure if it's possible for you to be more wrong.

Bailey Gene Newbrey said:

I like loc-tite on my cleats. The blue stuff. Inhibits corrosion and they never come loose. I also love disagreeing with Doug on public forums. 

The responses so far pretty much mirror what I saw elsewhere online. People are usually pro or opposed to using loc-tite.  

Ok so I get the reasons for loc-tite blue but what are the reasons not to use it? Has anyone ever been unable to remove cleats or ruined shoes because of it? 


I myself have never used anything and I've never had any problems, mentally or with my cleats.  I tried Loctite on my fender eyelets, but it didn't work for some reason, it rubbed off in little pieces, so I took the screw out and said screw it. I just use grease on everything... you could try one on one side and one on the other just to test out if there is a noticeable difference after a month or so of riding...

Why do you think that is?

notoriousDUG said:

I'm not sure if it's possible for you to be more wrong.

Bailey Gene Newbrey said:

I like loc-tite on my cleats. The blue stuff. Inhibits corrosion and they never come loose. I also love disagreeing with Doug on public forums. 

I thought about doing that myself. And then checking to see if one side loosens over time. I'll have to remember which side is which if I do that! 

I don't want to take the chance and not use anything. Cycling shoes are expensive and I'd hate for a pair to get ruined because some water got into the cleat screws. My shoes are street style and I do walk around in them enough mud or water could get in. 

Robert Underwood said:

I myself have never used anything and I've never had any problems, mentally or with my cleats.  I tried Loctite on my fender eyelets, but it didn't work for some reason, it rubbed off in little pieces, so I took the screw out and said screw it. I just use grease on everything... you could try one on one side and one on the other just to test out if there is a noticeable difference after a month or so of riding...

Funny thing...I didn't read the question well enough, & thought people were talking about putting loc-tite all over the cleat instead of lube. I was like, "that's the dumbest thing I ever heard". Haha! I get now you just mean the screws. Ha!


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