Please comment on a new article promoting the Chainlink community founder Leah Neaderthal. The article is called Windy city biking 101; Biking in the dead of winter in Chicago.

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hey Sabrina

I ride in the winter for the same reason I ride in the spring, summer and fall.
to commute and for fun.

What is your story?
I ride for all the reasons mentioned so far, especially "fun". A fresh snow in particular can be pretty fun. Riding into the loop was mostly fun today once I got out of the residential streets.

Also, a fresh snow like the one we got overnight can result in a beautiful new city. The saddle provides the best vantage point to enjoy it.
Yep, all this. Biking is still much more convenient and certainly more interesting to me vs other modes of getting around. The ride in today was nice, checking out the fresh snow in the trees - quite beautiful. I also seem to post more in the winter for some reason, as Chainlink is fun too.
I bike in the winter simply because its what I do. The only time I don't bike is if its just to nice outside to bike, in which case I'd much rather walk ;-)
i bike in the winter because 3 or 4 months is just waaay tooo long to be out of the saddle
She said she looked forward to reading our responses... not *replying* to them.

rik said:
hey Sabrina

I ride in the winter for the same reason I ride in the spring, summer and fall.
to commute and for fun.

What is your story?
Because Yes! I like to ride in bad weather, it builds character.... ha ha ha! Na, it is easier and cheaper than driving, plus its good for you. Winter is a season of Chicago, i ride Chicago....
For many of the same reasons already posted:
A) I love biking
B) Chicago winters are too long to be out of the saddle
C) It's free (vs. public trans)
D) It's not crowded (vs. public trans who try to cut costs by squeezing way too many bodies into rush hour trains)
E) It's clean and sustainable
F) It's character building
To me, this question is akin to asking another commuter, "Why do you drive in the winter?" or "Why do you take the train in the winter?"

Because I have to get where I'm going.
Because my commute is doubly long on the CTA, and that makes me antsy!
My Primary reason for riding in the winter, Is so that I stay in tip top shape and help build up the immunity so I don't get sick... AND I JUST LOVE FREAKING RIDING >>>>> LIKE TOTALLY <(^^,)>
mindfrieze said:
Because I have to get where I'm going.

I don't particularly like riding in the winter, so no fun rides for me. But bike commuting is what I do


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