Yesterday I was heading North on the Dearborn bike lane when I saw... something.  It was between Madison and Wacker (I don't remember which intersection exactly, and it wasn't at the corner, it was closer to the middle of the block), and there were emergency vehicles.  I exited the bike lane to take the street, because there were three emergency people crouched around someone laying in the lane.  Their bodies were blocking the face, but there was a white sheet over the person.  There was another person standing off to the side, who didn't look overly upset.  I saw one bike but there could have been another somewhere.

Any ideas?   The bike lane always feels so safe.  I am wondering if perhaps it was a pedestrian/cyclist collision?  And if so, I don't know which was which.

I hope everyone will be ok :(

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If I witnessed that and were capable, I would probably chase after the cab driver and not just note the driver's information. This person was in a building and we have no idea if they were even in a position to see any identifying information. The tweet doesn't even specify that anything was witnessed.  Just that they have knowledge or guess that a cab was involved.  

The first tweet from someone who did witness that as a passenger and not call 911 is disgusting. The person whose reply I posted is the one referenced above. The person who did claim to witness something hasn't replied. 

h' $550 said:

Rich,  it seems the cab driver 'got away?

If you're sitting in a cab and it hits someone and drives off, I'd hope you'd feel some responsibility to at least note the cab number or other info and pass it along to authorities.


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