Hey ya’ll
I just wanted to say thanks to Leah for the ZYM write up and all those who took advantage of the Chainlink discount through my goZYM.com website. Piper, aka THE BOSS, I appreciate your business and also for supporting a local company. If you like to see a rare picture of Piper, please check out my photos.

People always ask me what ZYM means. Since this is a discussion, throw out some creative suggestions. My fav so far has been zoom your motion. Got any better ideas?

And if you don't know what ZYM is, it's a effervescent tab that was created for cyclist to replenish electrolytes and beat the burn in your legs when you ride. But from the emails I receive on a daily basis from ZYM users, they seem to use it for a lot of other things...hmmmm.

Ride and Smile,

Views: 142

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Zap Your Malaise
Zing Your Muscles
OK, so after a 5 minute creative crunch here are my entries...

Zoom Your Movement
Zoom Your Momentum
Zoom Your Mix
Zoom Your Machine
Zoom Your Matter
Zoom Your Maximum

Zap Your Mix
Zap Your Machine
Zap Your Matter
Zap Your Maximum

Zest Your Movement
Zest Your Momentum
Zest Your Mix
Zest Your Machine
Zest Your Matter
Zest Your Maximum

Zero Your Meter

My favorites are in bolds...


P.S.: Us advertisers love grids...
  • Zap Your Monster
  • Zoom You're Money
  • ZYM Your Muscles
Maybe a Vittoria sponsored tie-in?

Zaffiro tYres Move!
by the way, i predict this to be the most successful thread ever
zesty young men
That one takes the cake for me...


yellow jello said:
zesty young men
No doubt these names are pretty cooky. I'm off to Sea Otter Classic in Monterey, CA. Leaving in the AM. I'll check with the peeps out there at the event and get their thoughts. I'll be back Monday. Have fun. I have to get some ZZZZ's.
Zip Your Mooseknuckle.
Okay, so I think the one I like the best is Zoom Your Momentum.... Ali, you're the winner. Shoot me your mailing address. Most of the names are hysterical.

I'm back from Sea Otter so check out the video testimonials on the Z Blog. http://gozym.com/blog/?p=12
My face got so burned from that California sun:(


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