I rode to work this morning and it seems like I'll have a damp ride home.  I heard there was a chance of rain this afternoon, but I decided to risk it. So my question to you: What % chance of rain keeps you off your bike?  And who do you trust for weather predictions?

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What's the deal with that metal piece connecting the seat stays to the rest of the frame?

igz said:


Visibly wet streets in the AM or a chance of rain greater than about 50%.

Weather.com hourly forecast. I look at rain and wind. I almost always bike in rain. I try and leave my apartment before it starts pouring otherwise I'll wimp out. If it rains on me mid-ride, then, oh well. Cycling cap is a must and I want to get a bern helmet with a removable visor. Glasses are the worst when it's raining and I can't see without them. Cycling cap from Etsy, cheap rain jacket from Marshalls, boots, and I'd like some rain pants that aren't terribly expensive...one day...

Of course today when it was 0% chance rain for the whole day in the morning forecast, I get caught in the afternoon shower.

I ride to work regardless. I usually look at animated radar when deciding about non-essential bike trips. Once you get in the habit of doing so you learn that various hourly forecasts can be very stale and even on major sites don't seem to get updated the rest of the day once put in place that morning or whenever.

Agreed about reading the weather maps. Really the best way to plan yourself.

Adam, that's a monoshock. With no pivot point.

Anything over 10%

I have 2600 Amps, 12 Volts, running 11 lights, car stereo, air compressor, fridge,

and other appliances.

Gene, I think with amperage like that we are simply going to have to see a picture of your wheels. :-)

Gene Himelstein said:

Anything over 10%

I have 2600 Amps, 12 Volts, running 11 lights, car stereo, air compressor, fridge,

and other appliances.



This is the first version I built, years ago- I still use the hard suitcase style saddlebags each time I break them down and start with new frame and stuff. I am going on the lakefront bike path today after 1pm at lawrence ave and head to navy pier-care to join me?

Skip Montanaro said:

Gene, I think with amperage like that we are simply going to have to see a picture of your wheels. :-)

Gene Himelstein said:

Anything over 10%

I have 2600 Amps, 12 Volts, running 11 lights, car stereo, air compressor, fridge,

and other appliances.


Same thing almost happened to me, I saw 10% chance but then searched the day forecast and it said morning showers. Its important to also check the daily forecast, I know, cause I have electric appliances on my bike if you see the hourly and daily % doesnt match up, go for the side of rain.

envane said:

Of course today when it was 0% chance rain for the whole day in the morning forecast, I get caught in the afternoon shower.


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