Life's just better on a bike. :-)

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It seems like we get one or two of these every year. They come from car makers, parts dealers, insurance companies, anyone in the car business. They just need to sell the dream. As soon as your old enough, you NEED to drive. What a load of crap! I've only seen this one once so far and I had drank about a 12 pack by then and had forgotten all about it. Thanks for reminding me, now I have an excuse to drink tonight! Stupid people piss me off.
Oh yeah... I remember that one for Auto Zone. I guess they paid for their time slot but how horrible to be aired during the TDF!
At least the couple on the tandem were wearing helmets...
i don't know, i kind of liked the safe auto commercial. all in all, it's just a company trying to stay a float in hard times. and they didn't push the car thing. the "scientist" was a scooter. anyone catch the cheesy hiccuping sound it made.
That Auto Zone ad is the best, what a joke. When you have a car die just dump it on the side of the road. Now that kid can spend every cent he makes keeping that p.o.s. running. On the other hand the Miller spot is great and didn't air enough times. Maybe when gas is back at $5.00 a gallon. Oh, and on the other reply I should have said "As soon as you're old enough", so I guess I piss myself off.


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