I have a Jandd Mountaineering helmet cover that's waterproof. I also use it when the weather gets cold to block off my helmet vents.
I wear a shower cap under my helmet. It is cheap, works perfectly, keeps you warm and increases your dork-factor. If you want to put a baseball cap between the shower cap and the helmet, you can do a good job of inexpensively keeping the rain out of your eyes, and your dorkiness multiplies exponentially.
I wear a Sun Mountain bucket hat. No helmet.
I usually wear a Marmot rain jacket shell with hood that works fairly well to keep the rain off my head and neck -especially when combined with my waterproof boonie hat under it to give it shape, a brim, and keep it off of my face. I often do not wear a helmet when commuting in town.
Recently I picked up one of these helmet covers for when I'm road-biking (when I do wear a helmet) but I haven't had a chance to use it although I've put it on my helmet and it seems like it would be the shizzle when it drizzles.
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