Hi eveyone!

I am curious to find out if any one bicycle rider was ever ticketed by the CPD for riding a bicycle on a Sidewalk?  If so, how much did that Traffic Ticket cost and what was the outcome of the Case after the Hearing in Traffic Court? 

The reason I am asking this is because many times I feel ultimately safer riding my bicycle on a Sidewalk instead of the Traffic filled with 2 to 3.5 Ton Vehicles and SUVs that I don't want be hit with at any speed!  I await your replies! Steve   

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Just keep riding your bike on the sidewalk and find out, DUMMY!

I doubt that you will get a ticket in local neighborhoods for riding on the sidewalk. When it comes to downtown or in congested areas where there are a lot of pedestrians I have heard from others that tickets may be issued, but usually it is a warning to get off the sidewalk.  I believe that it is not safer to ride the sidewalks as vehicles are not looking for you coming off the sidewalk and crossing intersections- you are more likely to get hit by someone turning onto a street or making a right turn as well, as motorists rarely check for bikes crossing a sidewalk.  Also, many pedestrians and cyclists believe it is rude to ride the sidewalks with pedestrians present, so you might want to keep that in mind when you want to ride the sidewalks.


 Overall, in answer to your post, the City of Chicago prohibits riding on the sidewalks if you are over 13 years old, so technically you could be ticketed.


Not sure why you are so agitated that no one responded right away to your post- many people won't be reading this until this morning. Maybe you just wanted to push it to the top of the list?  I doubt anyone else will want to answer your question if you are cyber-yelling at them.

You are also likely to be pushed off of your bicycle and thrown into traffic by certain pedestrians, those who don't want to be hit by 25 to 35 pound bicycles ridden illegally on the sidewalk.
I was given a warning by a police officer on Wells just before North avenue but not given a ticket. I rode up a driveway and a few feet towards a bike rack.

Indeed, no reason to get upset that no one replied in the middle of the night.  


Also a simple search on the forum would have turned up the following previous discussions on the issue of sidewalk riding:







Melanie said:

Not sure why you are so agitated that no one responded right away to your post- many people won't be reading this until this morning. Maybe you just wanted to push it to the top of the list?  I doubt anyone else will want to answer your question if you are cyber-yelling at them.

i don't ride on the sidewalk.

I feel safer on the street.

the 2 or 3 times I have ridden on the sidewalk I was given dirty looks and yelled at once

maybe you should begin by riding less car-trafficed streets at first; riding in pre or post rush hour ?

then gradually work your way up to more street riding as you feel confident ?

and decorate your bike with lots of reflective material and front and rear lights ?

and see the recent thread about the "Mary Poppins effect" of cars treating you better on a bke ?


but in summary...don't expect many folks here to reply with sidewalk riding advice; probably all of

us are street riders (and for good reasons)



Riding on the sidewalk is always a bad idea in the city, unless you are forced to or for very short periods of time.  Incidentally, at the north end of the LFP, there's a sign that says anyon,e over 12 or so caught on the sidewalk can be ticketed and have their bike "immobilized," whatever that entails.
Every intersection and driveway is a danger when riding on the sidewalk. Cars do not look for you there. If you're afraid of getting hit by a car, the sidewalk is the last place you want to be.
What you can also do if you want to continue to ride your bicycle on the sidewalk, is put training wheels on your bicycle and ride like the little kids that are allowed to ride on the sidewalk!
I've been ticketed at Touhy and Sheridan for riding on the sidewalk when I used to take that route to work.  $25 fine, not worth contesting in court.

I was "pulled over" during a sting just after (Loyola Rogers) Park came back into session and they had just finished repaving Sheridan. I jogged over during a light change rode down one block the planned to cut thru alleys until getting to my destination.


I didn't notice a guy in street clothes on a bike radio-ing to someone ahead that I was riding my bike on the sidewalk, 11pm on a weekday.


She didn't give me a ticket or a warning just took my info.

Troll thread


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