Hi eveyone!

I am curious to find out if any one bicycle rider was ever ticketed by the CPD for riding a bicycle on a Sidewalk?  If so, how much did that Traffic Ticket cost and what was the outcome of the Case after the Hearing in Traffic Court? 

The reason I am asking this is because many times I feel ultimately safer riding my bicycle on a Sidewalk instead of the Traffic filled with 2 to 3.5 Ton Vehicles and SUVs that I don't want be hit with at any speed!  I await your replies! Steve   

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The new alderman, Harry Osterman, has ordered these sting operations on Sheridan Rd in his ward a number of times over the summer months. He's trying to establish himself as a law and order guy.

Mike Zumwalt said:

I was "pulled over" during a sting just after (Loyola Rogers) Park came back into session and they had just finished repaving Sheridan. I jogged over during a light change rode down one block the planned to cut thru alleys until getting to my destination.


I didn't notice a guy in street clothes on a bike radio-ing to someone ahead that I was riding my bike on the sidewalk, 11pm on a weekday.


She didn't give me a ticket or a warning just took my info.

Sidewalks are dangerous.  Just avoid Ashland right there, Loomis or Wood can be decent alternatives.  I'd suggest finding a new route rather than trying to tackle Ashland by the sidewalks.  

Steve Istvan Horvath said:

Thank you to all who had replied to my query about "Have ever been ticketed for riding on a sidewalk?"

I learned about the City Ordinance that does not allow riding a bicycle on a side walk, however

I still feel a lot safer on a side street sidewalk than alongside speeding cars and crazy drivers, especially Taxi drivers, who become reckless when they see and want to pick-up a Fare.  I live on the near south-west side nearby Ashland and Taylor, and traffic is always heavy on Ashland Avenue especially during rush hour periods. When I see felow bike riders speeding alongside those cars and are not wearing a helmet, I feel like screaming off the top of my lungs for their safety and life!  Once again, thank you for your replies!

Steve Horvath    

"But your honor, you see, I'm special"

h' said:
On what grounds would you contest it?

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I've been ticketed at Touhy and Sheridan for riding on the sidewalk when I used to take that route to work.  $25 fine, not worth contesting in court.

OK Troll...I'll play along....


The 1st ward is run by Manny Flores not Bob Fioreti and it's located on the north side not near Ashland and Taylor.

Steve Istvan Horvath said:

I wonder why did she only take you Info., Name and address?  Maybe she wanted to put you in the rolodex for future reference in case you'd become a repeat offender. So be extra careful!  

I live in the First Ward run by Bob Fioreti who has not had such ideas yet, but you never know when would he change his mind?  I read a lot about the North side areas being ticketed, especially near Touhy and Sheridan roads by Loyola University, so guys be careful!  If you do not feel safe and/or you want to take a shortcut, why don't you just walk for a few blocks until you are out of sight?  After that you could ride to your hearts' content!     

Duppie said:

The new alderman, Harry Osterman, has ordered these sting operations on Sheridan Rd in his ward a number of times over the summer months. He's trying to establish himself as a law and order guy.

Mike Zumwalt said:

I was "pulled over" during a sting just after (Loyola Rogers) Park came back into session and they had just finished repaving Sheridan. I jogged over during a light change rode down one block the planned to cut thru alleys until getting to my destination.


I didn't notice a guy in street clothes on a bike radio-ing to someone ahead that I was riding my bike on the sidewalk, 11pm on a weekday.


She didn't give me a ticket or a warning just took my info.

police have stopped me and given warnings but never actually given me a ticket.
Hey douche bag of the year, just look at the city of Chicago website and look at the ordinances listed there and find out for yourself what the fines and other info related you want to know!
Are you off you medications?

I'm going to start mean and then explain myself because I am simply to overwhelmed my your sense of selfish entitlement not to call you out on it right off the bat...

OK, so you, Steve, most important guy in the city, feel safer on the sidewalk.  I mean I guess that is not an unfair statement; isolated from cars on the road by a curb and, most times, parked cars it may legitimately be safer for you, Steve, most important guy in the city.  But have you ever stopped, Steve, to think about the safety of the pedestrians not only on, but entering and leaving the sidewalk?  Pedestrians often move unpredictably and flail about, actions that can cause a faster moving bike overtaking them to hit them and cause them injury.  People stepping out of businesses are not expecting a fast moving vehicle on the sidewalk and do not check for you, also a situation where your illegal action can cause injury to somebody.  Have you stopped to think, Steve, about the fact that you may be putting others in danger just so that you feel a little safer?  Is it worth it to you to hurt somebody else?


Have you put any thought to the hurt you are doing to other cyclists when you are on the sidewalk?  While it is the law that we ride in the street many motorists don't know this and every time they see you, or some other goon, riding on the sidewalk it works to reinforce their idea that we don't belong on the street.  When you ride on the sidewalk you are contributing, in a small way, to other cyclists getting yelled at and bullied by aggressive drivers.  Is the extra bit of safety you feel worth somebody feeling justified pushing me into the curb in order to make a right turn a few seconds earlier?  There is also the fact that the more of us there are on the street the more used to dealing with us drivers are and the safer we all are so you are also working against making cycling safer in general.


That all said and because I believe looking at things honestly from both sides...


Do I ride on the sidewalk from time to time?  Yeah, I do.  I am not a vehicular cyclist and I freely admit that.  It is a fact that there are times it may be better to be on the sidewalk but I also use very, very selective judgment and take into account the situation at hand.  The only times I ride on the side walk are areas where there are no pedestrians present and there is a viable reason for riding the sidewalk for a block.  There are a couple of viaducts on the southside of Halstead  which squeeze the lanes down and it is not the safest riding.  In situations like that if there are no pedestrians around I will take the sidewalk but if there are not I take the lane so I am not squeezed into the curb.  Of course it should be noted that in that situation I take the sidewalk more in order to not hold up traffic by taking the lane than because I feel unsafe.

Steve Istvan Horvath said:

Thank you to all who had replied to my query about "Have ever been ticketed for riding on a sidewalk?"

I learned about the City Ordinance that does not allow riding a bicycle on a side walk, however

I still feel a lot safer on a side street sidewalk than alongside speeding cars and crazy drivers, especially Taxi drivers, who become reckless when they see and want to pick-up a Fare.  I live on the near south-west side nearby Ashland and Taylor, and traffic is always heavy on Ashland Avenue especially during rush hour periods. When I see felow bike riders speeding alongside those cars and are not wearing a helmet, I feel like screaming off the top of my lungs for their safety and life!  Once again, thank you for your replies!

Steve Horvath    

"Feel" safer is certainly the right word


Drivers don't watch for people moving more than 5mph at intersections.  If you go through at 10+ mph, which is pretty slow by cycling standards, cars aren't going to be expecting you.  They have no reason to expect you.  No one should be going that fast on a sidewalk.  Drivers are looking for pedestrians before they turn, and if there is no one coming within a certain distance it is safe to go through.  A bike can cover that distance in a much, much shorter length of time -- just enough time to get creamed by the car.  


So it isn't just that you are a danger to others, you are much more likely to get right-hooked at every single driveway and intersection. 


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