If you were and you are the a-hole that stole the front light off of my MASI, you can go ^*%#% yourself.

I hope you get hit by a car and loose the use of your sexual organs.

That is all :)

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being a drunk is usually inherited along with an environment that encourages it.

Craig S. said:
As one with twin boys, trust me, you don't have to do anything purposely to make them hate each other. Also trust me on this one; it ain't fun one dang bit, why do you think I'm such a drunk?

Ryan L said:
Adriana said:
btw...please do not name anymore children Ryan; there is an influx. Might I suggest Adrian :p

I'm pretty sure I'm naming my first born Tron and my second born Zoltar. I do not care if they have dude or lady parts, my decision is final. Um, don't tell my wife :)

Of course if I have twins I will have no choice but to call one Megatron and the other Optimus Prime. I will separate their room, which will be called Cybertron, into two halves; an evil side and a friendly side, where I will slowly raise them to hate each other. Oh the fun we will have as a family.
Sorry, but you are too late. While watching Maury Povich at work once, my co-workers and I were amazed to see a guy in his twenties trying to dodge a paternity test, and his name was Megatron!

Ryan L said:
Adriana said:
btw...please do not name anymore children Ryan; there is an influx. Might I suggest Adrian :p

I'm pretty sure I'm naming my first born Tron and my second born Zoltar. I do not care if they have dude or lady parts, my decision is final. Um, don't tell my wife :)

Of course if I have twins I will have no choice but to call one Megatron and the other Optimus Prime. I will separate their room, which will be called Cybertron, into two halves; an evil side and a friendly side, where I will slowly raise them to hate each other. Oh the fun we will have as a family.
Someone stole my light recently too and now I'm riding around without a front light and they have a light and I'm too broke to buy one. That is EVIL.
A poorman's light: Buy a flashlight from a dollar store and two plumbing clamps.

You can get something like this for less than $3:



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