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I would say Illinois. It has a nice bike lane while neither Hubbard nor Kinzie have one east of Wells.  Not nearly as much traffic as Ohio either. 

Wells south to Illinois also happens to be my normal commute since I work on Illinois.  

David Barish said:

It will not be easy.  Not only are cyclists being rerouted but the vehicle traffic that normally takes Wells is also rerouted.  I will likely take Clark as it passes right by my workplace. It will be congested. However, by the time I reach the bridge I will go slowly and carefully as I am throtelling down my internal engine as I near the end of my ride. The real question is where the bestplace would be to turn from Wells eastbound. Illinois? Hubbard? Kinzie? We will see.

David--definitely Illinois.  

This morning I rode downtown and decided to check out Clark Street.  They have painted "bike lane" with very big sharrows on the far right lane just south of Kinzie and also at the corner on the south side of the bridge at Wacker.  There was some construction going on in the right lane just north of the bridge that appeared to be resurfacing.  The plates on the bridge are pretty much the same as on Wells.  

If that is everything, there will still be a problem at Wacker because we will be coming off the plates to move slightly left into the "bike lane" but cars will have had the right lane across the bridge.

So how was everyone's first day missing Wells?

When I got downtown just before 8:00 it was still open so I took it!

I was prepared to try out State or Clark, but the Wells bridge was still open when I rode through around 8:00am this morning.  Unless it's been shut down in the last few hours, it's still open.

Yesterday morning the pavement was still torn up on the north side of the bridge on Clark.  I might take a walk at lunch to have a look and will report back if no one else does.

bandit :))

Lisa Curcio said:

When I got downtown just before 8:00 it was still open so I took it!

Should I put it back? 
Julie Hochstadter said:

bandit :))

Lisa Curcio said:

When I got downtown just before 8:00 it was still open so I took it!

I was just teasing.  So, is it closed?

Lisa Curcio said:

Should I put it back? 
Julie Hochstadter said:

bandit :))

Lisa Curcio said:

When I got downtown just before 8:00 it was still open so I took it!

I was teasing, too.  Based upon the other discussion in reply to which you linked here, I am guessing that it is now closed.  The sign was up that said it was going to be closed today through some date in December, 2013.  Guess I will go take a walk and get back to everyone on the current state of affairs.
Julie Hochstadter said:

I was just teasing.  So, is it closed?

Lisa Curcio said:

Should I put it back? 
Julie Hochstadter said:

bandit :))

Lisa Curcio said:

When I got downtown just before 8:00 it was still open so I took it!

Bridge update:

Wells is indeed closed although there were people walking across despite the "sidewalk closed" signs on both sides and both ends.

Clark where it was torn up is new asphalt.  No markings on it.  The markings remain "bike lane" in the far right driving lane immediately south of Kinzie and at the interesection with Wacker.  Plates--as I mentioned the other day--are like the ones on Wells, but they take space from the normal lane so bikes will be sharing the lane with cars.

Right-hook potential is HIGH at Wacker.  Be careful.

Lisa Curcio said:

Bridge update:

Wells is indeed closed although there were people walking across despite the "sidewalk closed" signs on both sides and both ends.

Clark where it was torn up is new asphalt.  No markings on it.  The markings remain "bike lane" in the far right driving lane immediately south of Kinzie and at the interesection with Wacker.  Plates--as I mentioned the other day--are like the ones on Wells, but they take space from the normal lane so bikes will be sharing the lane with cars.


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