hi! my name is jill nerkowski. Ive just invented a weatherproof canopy, and am trying to sell design plans to build your own on your own bike at your own home. please see my website at jillnerkowski.weebly.com
I just joined chain link and love it because the weather matches what I tried to cover and ride in here. its a tuff life riding in the snow and rain. I dreamed for years of a greenhouse surrounding me while I rode ,and finally this year after building a frame for a motorcycle like windshield with a canopy.
I see alot of posts other websites of rainriding, and suggestion for things like plastic bags and elastics for the feet, and and expensive rain gear, and wool sweaters, and these are all good and fine, but wont somone please try my rain canopy?
a good incentive, when I tested it with ordianary plastic dotn nkwo how vinly comapres, the inside canopy reaches temperatures from 4 to 15 degrees warmer temperatures than the outside of the canopy, and even can be 4.
I would like to hear peoples opinions and comments about this rain canopy of mine, and another incentive, to anyone who mentions theyre from chain link, I will reduce the price to 10.00 for each design plan ordered, plus shipping.

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every time I look at this thread I laugh my ass off at this ridiculous contraption so I couldnt resist the temptation to rekindle it when I saw the Nubrella.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Oh great, this thread is resurrected.

Chixie, can I use that shovel of yours for a minute? (When we thought it couldn't go lower...)

chixieonfixie said:
"It’s a new hands free umbrella which promises to keep you dry, but leaves your ego all wet." what does that even mean?
An elegant solution to the age old bike canopy conundrum appears in Bike Snob NYC aujourd'hui.
I'm a big fan, and an occasional practitioner of the Dutch method.

Cameron Puetz said:
It's better than the Dutch way of ridding one handed so that you can hold your umbrella.

Kevin C said:
An elegant solution to the age old bike canopy conundrum appears in Bike Snob NYC aujourd'hui.

It's a good idea but on an upright to much resistance, wind...


Recumbent is the way to go for a "weather proof" bike


I'd hate to be riding that second recumbent in any sort of wind.  A good crosswind and it looks like it'll tip over.

Mike Zumwalt said:

It's a good idea but on an upright to much resistance, wind...


Recumbent is the way to go for a "weather proof" bike


I actually like that more for blocking the mid-day sun as my skin is quite fair and I burn easily. 


It wouldn't help with any of the wind driven rain that annoys me most though.
Kevin C said:

An elegant solution to the age old bike canopy conundrum appears in Bike Snob NYC aujourd'hui.

Or you could put a motor on it and add a couple of wheels and . . .



Isn't that how the Yugo was invented?

in it to win it said:

Or you could put a motor on it and add a couple of wheels and . . .



Zombie thread...

Jill? Is that you?


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