Chicago Copwatch knows of footage and eye witness testimony of the events that proceeded and occurred during the June CCM LSD altercation. We will release this information to the public as a solidified series of events as soon as we get further witnesses willing to be cross examined and we consult the lawyers of those suspects harassed, detained and arrested by the CPD.

With that said can people please email if they have any information they would like to share that is useful. We are looking for the contact information for any and all suspects who were harassed, detained, arrested and potentially abused. If you are a witness and are willing to be subpoena should it come to it, please, please, please email us. In addition if you are the author of footage that has been posted online or has yet to be posted online please contact Chicago Copwatch. We do not recommend further posting of footage without consulting the lawyers of the suspects or Chicago Copwatch.

In addition Chicago Copwatch is looking for witness testimony of any and all other altercations with the CPD that happened during the June Mass. Specifically those that involving ticketing or arrest.

Please note, that if you are not a DIRECT witness and are not willing to be subpoenaed we are not very interested in what you have to say or your opinion on this or that. Also note that whatever we release to clear up speculation will not be immediate if ever. It depends on the advice we receive from the suspects lawyers.

Thank you,

Chicago Copwatch

PS. Copwatch does not believe that the CPD is in general out of line when it comes to Critical Mass and we support many of the efforts the CPD takes to ensure our safety while on the Mass. However the stated goal of Chicago Copwatch is to uncover police misconduct and hold officers accountable. If there was misconduct or if there was not that can and will only be revealed after experts examine all the evidence. Copwatch is merely attempting to assist in this collection of evidence.

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