I want to hire a stripper or two for the end stop, but we have not seen enough interest yet. RSVP if you are coming. Either way, there will be plenty of naked sexitude.

After a years hiatus, the Marauders Pron Ride is back. This year Councilman Heather is at the helm. We have a number of Naughty stops lined up. 

It is time to oil up your sexy steed and get ready to put it between your legs. 

We will NOT be meeting at the goat. 

We will be meeting at 7:30 pm on Saturday the 21st At L&L in Boys Town. They have cheap beer. It would be a winter bike marathon to start at The Goat. The goal is of course to bring the true meaning of Valentines Day- strippers and sex toys.


Our first stop will be The Pleasure Chest. 

Forwarded email here:

It sounds like a fun plan! We will have workshop fliers & coupons for your attendees, and will enjoy having you here. Additionally, you can let your riders know that if they want to purchase anything but don't want to carry it with them, we can arrange for UPS or bike courier delivery at the time of purchase.

Next up will be a divey gay strip club, that has a separate bar for homophobes. Whatever, I'm straight but I may get down with the sickness. Marcus, can we expect you?

Following that, we will be  going to V.I.P.'s on the Goose, where we have no cover reservations for 15, but I could probably stretch that...

Our final stop will be a beer oriented place on the west side. Dana has volunteered for entertainment, but if we see enough interest we may hire a stripper. Not nearly enough RSVP's for that yet.

We need to ask that you limit yourself to one bag for logistics purposes. We will be patronizing a bunch of businesses that will not appreciate a lot of luggage accompanying us. Is it a good idea to bring a pannier, helmet, and courier bag to a nudie bar?

See you all there.

Oh and bring cash-small bills

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Great, I just purchased a brand new tandem bike for me and my new girlfriend Connie Lingus (she's Irish). I hope the temperature plunges to minus 20 with a wind chill of minus 50. We'll show those Polar Bears a thing or two. Thanks for the info. We'll be there for sure.

Regards, Phil Latio

Joe, it's going to be in the mid 20's all night. And we are only riding one stretch more tha 2 miles. This is not going to be any epic bike stuff. It's about the entertainment this month.

Wimps. But you bring up a good point. I'm developing a bad case of cabin fever.

Martin Hazard said:

Joe, it's going to be in the mid 20's all night. And we are only riding one stretch more tha 2 miles. This is not going to be any epic bike stuff. It's about the entertainment this month.


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