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WTF ????

notoriousDUG said:

Why is it you have to turn everything you touch into a personal crusade to make it as huge a mess as possible and obscure the possibility of any real progress with the completely futile arguments your disjointed and meandering posts. I'm not sure if you have a sense of humor nobody gets or what but you are not part of the the solution.

Any solution.
Listen Howard, you did misquote and infer and I know who is a lawyer on this thread and I think they usually get money. So you have a problem with me wanting to donate and help throw a party ? Go ahead and shout it. You all can go on and hate in the public forum and talk, you got what you wanted.

H3N3 said:
You wrote:
So we can rant all we want but that will not do much other than to entertain us on this site And went on to speculate about whether we know any lawyers, and mention a fundraiser, presumably to raise money for a legal defense . . . your meaning was clear and my inference was on the money. Wasn't necessarily to be taken as a criticism, since you seem to choose to avoid connecting with the people who post here and wouldn't know from the context of this thread who's a lawyer. But mostly I assumed that you hadn't really followed the discussion before declaring it "ranting."
cutifly said:
Please don't misquote me or paraphrase me out of context. I did not infer or say 'Unproductive' It makes us all look really bad. I just will guarantee what I said and stay out of this. I Do need anyone agree with me in life anymore.
H3N3 said:
Marty, there are 2+ very competent attorneys offering their services pro-bono in this thread, who have already swung into action. There are plenty of threads that fall into the "unproductive ranting" category but this is not one of them.
cutifly said:
The law is the law, right or wrong. You get someone who knows it, you pay them and the justice either sides with you or they don't. If you don't like that outcome, you appeal. If that does not work you either take it or do something else to change the law, which can be complicated of course, but that will resolve this. I believe in this guy and what he does and will cough up some money if someone can organize a fundraiser. I can guarantee $40, maybe more if I have a recent payout and I don't even know him, never seen him or heard about him until Doug posted this. No one ever comes to my parties so I will just pay up and let the social person deal with the fundraiser. That's all I can guarantee and I always come through when I say something. So we can rant all we want but that will not do much other than to entertain us on this site. The only attorney I know is Jerry Boyle and I do not even know if he deals with this type of stuff. Chris Drew is fighting a court battle as well and may be able to refer someone. If someone can get me a phone # for the book guy, I can call him and see how he feels about all this. If someone wants to contact me, send me a note. I help out people often especially when it comes to my time, so here we are. I spend at least 2 hours a week talking crap here and on Facebook, I can dedicate that time elsewhere without it affecting me. Word
Kevin is spot on. If you are truly concerned about letting BookBike continue its mission, don't paint a bullseye on his back. He's not been cited for anything. He's not been told he can't do anything. There may well have been a simple misunderstanding. Clearing up a simple misunderstanding is much easier without a Greek chorus screaming about justice and what did or didn't happen. Especially since BookBike seems currently able to continue with his mission, let's allow this situation to develop.

If things start taking a horrible turn, then it might be time to call out the mob.

Kevin Conway said:
Would everyone please chill. You don't know what happened, and more importantly, you don't know what didn't happen. Spencer is onto something with respect to this being an unidentified individual with questionable authority to prohibit this activity and the fact that no enforcement action was taken. This thread has turned into a children's "telephone game." It is not the official policy of the Chicago Park District to regulate or prohibit the activities of the BookBike. No one said he couldn't do it. Calling the Park District "in mass" (sic) to protest something that they didn't do is working at cross purposes.

You guys can stop busting my balls on the public thread, just leave it alone I am not saying anymore here about this issue. I already talked to Gabriel. Dig that .... I asked him to sign up and comment on all of this. Because that is real. If you want to say names, misqoute, paraphrase or infer that I think someone is trying to make money off this your simply out of your mind. I don't know one good lawyer who would work for free. I like it when people make money. I am willing to put some out. Are you ? If you got something to say, call me or write me a private note. I don't throw out names here or pick on people personally. I stopped saying the word 'idiot' at your request. Your the one using the insinuation. I am pretty pissed now because all I wanted to do was HELP out and you insult me and the rest of the people on this site. If you got something to say to me, say it private. Show some real Grace by me. I was ready to leave this thread alone and you have to keep feeding off it. You make me want to go out and start a fight with someone now and ruin a perfectly good day. Anyone one with any sense here is gonna know what is up ... PLEASE leave the personal crap off the public thread. THANK YOU HOWARD.
Many attorneys, good ones, regularly do pro bono work for causes or people they believe in; how is an attorney willing to donate their time any different then you looking to donate money for legal fees?

I think my actions over time speak for themselves as to if I am willing to put out time and money for causes I believe in.

If anyone here is making you want to start a fight I think you need to stop and think about that for a second; no one is responsible for your actions but you.

Have you ever noticed how often you are 'misunderstood,' because things were, according to you, misquoted, inferred or taken out of context? Have you ever noticed how often things go sideways as soon as you start to participate in the conversation? What is the common factor in all of those conversations?
cutifly said:
You guys can stop busting my balls on the public thread, just leave it alone I am not saying anymore here about this issue. I already talked to Gabriel. Dig that .... I asked him to sign up and comment on all of this. Because that is real. If you want to say names, misqoute, paraphrase or infer that I think someone is trying to make money off this your simply out of your mind. I don't know one good lawyer who would work for free. I like it when people make money. I am willing to put some out. Are you ? If you got something to say, call me or write me a private note. I don't throw out names here or pick on people personally. I stopped saying the word 'idiot' at your request. Your the one using the insinuation. I am pretty pissed now because all I wanted to do was HELP out and you insult me and the rest of the people on this site. If you got something to say to me, say it private. Show some real Grace by me. I was ready to leave this thread alone and you have to keep feeding off it. You make me want to go out and start a fight with someone now and ruin a perfectly good day. Anyone one with any sense here is gonna know what is up ... PLEASE leave the personal crap off the public thread. THANK YOU HOWARD.
I don't have anything to add in regards to the specific incident in question but would like to express my dismay that anyone would subscribe to the notion that free expression in public places should be curtailed and/or penalized. It is especially unfortunate considering that a part of our city's history and culture is steeped in the proud tradition of batshit insane proselytizing.
The book bike story has a happy ending! Looks like the Chicago Public library stepped in to help.


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