I'm involved in an event called Cafe Finjan which is part of the Jewish Muslim Community Building Initiative in Chicago. Read below if you want to get involved or know artists /filmmakers who would like to show their work. **Also we are looking for a gallery or space for this exhibit. We had 250 people at our last event ( a music night at Mercury Cafe)

Do you want to nurture a greater understanding between Jews and Muslims of Chicago around arts and culture? We are inviting you to join the planning committee of Café Finjan! We are looking for people of all ages and backgrounds who are willing to commit their time, talent, and energy to making this event a success.

Café Finjan is a series of interfaith arts exchanges begun by the Jewish Council on Urban Affairs as part of its Jewish-Muslim Community-Building Initiative. The series establishes points of contact and nurtures a greater understanding between Jews and Muslims of Chicago while creating spaces for Chicagoland Jews, Muslims, and others of diverse backgrounds to come together and give voice to their identity and experience as part of a larger community.

"Finjan," a word in both Arabic and Hebrew, is a metal pot for brewing coffee in the traditional Middle Eastern style, both in the home and around the campfire, with friends gathered around for warmth.

Next meeting: Thursday, Dec. 18, at 6 pm
Location: Spertus Café, 610 S. Michigan Ave., 2nd floor

Irene Lehrer Sandalow
Director of Outreach and Education
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs
610 S. Michigan Ave. 5th floor
Chicago, IL 60605
(312)663-0960 ext 109

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These still going on?

I remember when they first started some 4 years ago. Very good concept, glad to see it continue.
You should talk to the people at the co-prosperity sphere. They are always having shows and gallery events at their space.


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