I rode from Evanston up to Highwood/Fort Sheridan this morning.  As I arrived at University Ave and Old Elm, there was a group of perhaps five people getting ready to turn left.  Just as I turned right I noticed that one of the riders was wearing a Chainlink jersey.  Was that you?  You were all chatting, so I decided to just keep moving.

Where does one get a Chainlink jersey?


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Sorry to bring up such old thread, should we assume this is a no go for the jersey making? Once a while I keep coming back to this thread hoping there is some update :-(  

The original jersey looks really cool!

I'm an intern at the Chainlink, helping manage this.

We're talking about it everyday! Working on a set of wool jerseys to release in the new year.

To be released in the early spring: the polyester short sleeve jersey, we are looking for a sponsor to be on the jersey to help defray costs. Contact us if you are interested.

Yes I am interested in a xxl long sleeve sweater wool.


don kingston


OMG, it's happening! thanks Julie!

All I want for Christmas is a Chainlink wool jersey! 

Hey guys let me know if there are any problems with the ordering process. It's the first time we've tried square market.

Just placed my order! No issues with ordering...

Placed my order and no problem.

I hope this happens. Thanks Julie!

Are those sleeve lengths right?  Unless I am doing the conversion incorrectly the sleeve length on the small is about 30".  My inseam is not even 30"!  That is going to be a lot of rolling up.

From the top of your shoulder and also measures the curve when your hands are down.

Or if you're measuring it up yourself and from the front, then from the center of your neck, plus about an inch or so after.

Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:

Are those sleeve lengths right?  Unless I am doing the conversion incorrectly the sleeve length on the small is about 30".  My inseam is not even 30"!  That is going to be a lot of rolling up.

Thanks.  I will check that out when I get home and have a helper and a tape measure.


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