Can be knock offs, I don't really care.  As long as they're cheap-er!  Just looking to mix it up from the rise bars!

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Got some chrome ones. Want 'em? 26.0mm clamp diameter.

Nice!  What are you looking to get for them?  


Bailey Gene Newbrey said:

Got some chrome ones. Want 'em? 26.0mm clamp diameter.

They're yours. I have no use for them. They're collecting dust on my enclosed porch.

That was nice of you Bailey.

Awesome, thanks!  I have some bullhorns if you want them.  I really have no use for them as well.  I have Saturday and Sunday off and can pick them up.  773-676-7021.


Bailey Gene Newbrey said:

They're yours. I have no use for them. They're collecting dust on my enclosed porch.


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