I just downloaded my sample ballot and thought I'd seen one of the names
in my inbox.
The bike community's own Karen Roothan is running for Water Reclamation Commissioner on
the Green ticket.  Go Karen!

Also, a few resources for voting:

Go here and check your registration status, download a sample ballot,
and above all check your polling place (mine was quietly changed for
this year):

I always print this and take it to the polls with me:

And for general endorsements- The IVI-IPO sends its own questionnaires
to candidates and evaluates them based on there response. If you don't
see a candidate on the list, it could mean they didn't bother to return
the questionnaire.

I'm sure others will chime in with their favorite "informed voter"

Would be great if we could keep any responses focused on voter resources
and otherwise keep the partisan political views to a minimum here....


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Next time, I'm early voting. I've been casting my ballots at the same place for 10 years and never had to wait in line at 6:45 am. Today there were 15 people ahead of me.

The few people I spoke with who did early voting also waited in line. One of them waited for two hours last week. So, if you do it, bring a book or something.

There was the longest line this morning I've ever seen at a polling place, but there were only a few people ahead of me.

Bikey content: I also saw Chuck and his wife (fellow Working Bikes volunteers) locking up their bikes at the shiny new bike racks.

Michelle Stenzel said:

Next time, I'm early voting. I've been casting my ballots at the same place for 10 years and never had to wait in line at 6:45 am. Today there were 15 people ahead of me.

There was a line, but Im pretty sure it was because the volunteer was in his 70s and took a long time sifting through the huge book to find my name. M -Zs line was moving just fine.

Since they need to have an equal number of rep and dem volunteers helping (and wearing their party stickers), I think there is a smaller pool of republican volunteers to choose from. I wanted to say something like, hey he should be doing something else, but of course kept my mouth shut.

I'm very happy I voted early ten days ago.  Even then, there were a dozen folks ahead of me.  And even though I had spent an hour at home researching judge retentions and referenda, it still took me a good fifteen minutes just to key in all my choices, then verify against the scrolling paper ballot (early voting is done on touch screens only).  But I'm glad to hear there's a big turnout today.  I'm thinking the results will take days or weeks to count/sort out/fight over.

As far as the voter info site not working this morning, the Tribune is reporting that the board of elections is thinking this was a deliberate "denial of service" attack on the computer system, as they saw a huge number of automated logins from servers, not humans.  Hopefully the FBI will investigate and kick butt if the attack was from within the USA (though it probably was from overseas).


Tribune: "And when voters and elections officials tried to find the correct locations, the Chicago elections website was not there to help.

"We are investigating the possibility that our website problems this morning were caused by a malicious attack," said Langdon Neal, spokesman for the Chicago board of elections. "We were overwhelmed by hits, and we know that a significant portion of them did not come from individual voters asking to find their polling place."

He said many of the requests appeared to be coming from computer servers.

"We can tell by the way the requests are coming in and the volume," said James Allen, spokesman for board of elections. "It's behaving like a computer program and not like people with legitimate questions."

voted this morning at around 8, only one person ahead of me. about 10 or so when I left. 25th ward. easy.

Our Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel just weaseled out of making endorsements.  BTW, I biked to the polls and voted.  We have a very lively US Senate race here in Wisconsin. 

Lisa Curcio said:

Also, here are the endorsements/recommendations from the Chicago Tribune:


Wisconsin will be pretty important all the way around!

Barry Niel Stuart said:

Our Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel just weaseled out of making endorsements.  BTW, I biked to the polls and voted.  We have a very lively US Senate race here in Wisconsin. 

Lisa Curcio said:

Also, here are the endorsements/recommendations from the Chicago Tribune:



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