Vote for Miguel delValle! Rahm is not interested in bettering Chicago.

Don't mean to get all political, but I just read Rahm's Wiki page, read some other info on him and the Chicago machine and pulled some gems for a These Blog Postings .  What does everyone else think about this kind of individual continuing to set the tone for our city?


I don't like it a bit.


Del Valle seems awesome!  anyone have any dirt I should know about him before joining his team for sure?  (hint... there was none.  I joined his team for sure!)


Love ya!


Going for a ride.....


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I'm on the second to last episode of Medium and Miguel Devalos just found a way to stop his main opponent from negative campaigning against him for mayor of Phoenix. I think this bodes well.


I just wanted to say thanks for posting that, it was a well-made, well-argued video. 


It didn't really convince me to vote for Del Valle since it didn't address my personal concerns and I don't weight various issues the same as the filmmaker, but that's irrelevant since I've already voted anyway.  If anybody's still up in the air about who to vote for I recommend watching this, it makes a good, calm, reasonable case for Del Valle and doesn't descend at all into the "I'm right and righteous and anyone who disagrees with me is stupid and horrible" tone that I expected.

jlj said:

This video breaks down the candidates on corruption and transparency and is really well done.  Made by an unpaid concerned citizen who cares about his city.




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