Volunteers needed (small stipend available) to count Lakefront Trail users

UPDATED: Revised times and added stipend details.

Volunteers needed!

The Active Transportation Alliance is looking for volunteers to help with a trail users count on the Chicago Lakefront Trail. The Chicago Park District wants accurate counts of trail users so that they can assess future needs and show funders how busy it is. We need people to count cyclists, pedestrians, and other Lakefront Trail users.

The project will take place between August 21st and 27th, 2010. Three shifts are available: Saturday 12:30pm-4pm, and Tuesday 5:30am-9am and 3:30pm-7pm. Active Trans will be paying a stipend of
$30 per count or $100 for all three counts. If you are interested, please contact Carolyn Helmke at Carolyn@activetrans.org and let her know which shifts you can work and where you would like to be stationed on the trail. (We may not be able to assign you to your favorite spot but should be able keep you close to it.)

Lee Crandell
Active Trans

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It takes an hour of training to count!?
it takes some people longer then others to take off their shoes

notoriousDUG said:
It takes an hour of training to count!?
Updated post above -- revised times and added stipend details.

Michael A said:
it takes some people longer then others to take off their shoes

notoriousDUG said:
It takes an hour of training to count!?
Hey Chainlinkers,

We're still looking for a few more volunteers (small stipend available) to help out with Lakefront Trail counts on a project we're doing for the Chicago Park District.

If you or anyone you know would be interested/available, we'd appreciate it. Details above.

Ethan, with Active Trans
I can do Tuesday am!
I'll be just south of the Foster entrance. Stop by and say hi!
It's working, Chainlinkers!


Ethan, with Active Trans


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