Volunteers needed - Cyclo-Cross race at Montrose Harbor
Dear friends of cycling:
On Sunday, December 5th, the Illinois State Cyclo-Cross Championships at Montrose Harbor in Chicago will be held. This race also serves as the culmination of the Chicago Cyclo-Cross Cup Series, held almost every weekend since late September.
Read more at www.chicrosscup.com.
Racing starts at 8:45 am, with the last race at 3:30 and likely ending at 4:00. The top racers are featured in the Category 1/23 women's race at 10:45 and men's at 1:30, but some of the most spirited and unusual characters in bike racing take to the course in the Category 4 races at 2:45 and 3:30. Some Category 4s race in costumes and crowds are known to heckle riders and hand up creative stimuli ranging from food to one dollar bills as their favorite riders pass. Lots of wacky fun.
The State Championships race has a history of the toughest weather in the series, which adds to the challenge and gives the riders real “bragging rights” afterward. Even so, it has been one of the best attended races in the series each year.
Please contact me (George Vargas) at grv111@comcast.net if you would like to help out. I'll tailor your volunteer assignment to fit with your other plans for the weekend. Opportunities to help out include:
· Set up, either Saturday afternoon/evening, 12/4
· Course marshals during the day on Sunday (shifts are either 8:30 to 12:45 or 12:30 to 4:15)
· Floaters (do rounds and substitute while course marshals take short breaks) (shifts at 8:30 to 12:45 or 12:30 to 4:15)
· Rider registration during the day on Sunday (shifts are either 8:00 to 12:00 or 11:45 to 3:45)
· Tear down/clean up after the last race on Sunday afternoon (4:00)
The more people we have, the easier it will be for all of us. Yes, the weather can be rough. But, I guarantee that the laughter, excitement and fun will warm you. Bring your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, … make a party out of it. I thank you for considering spending part of your day with us and for supporting Chicago cycling.
I've been meaning to watch a race all season but I haven't made one. So I'll volunteer for this!
Part of the course will be on sand I believe there's an actual sand pit if we set up the course similarly to last year. I haven't gotten in touch with our course set up person yet to confirm.
Can you be an am course marshal (8:30 to 12:45)? Earlier (8) if you can make it.
Will there be a sandpit?
more than u can imagine
Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:Will there be a sandpit?
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