Help document the demand for more and better bikeways in Chicago! The Chicago Bicycle Program is recruiting volunteers to participate in a Downtown Bike Count during one or more of the following times: Tue., 9/13, 7AM-10AM and 4PM–7PM; Sat., 9/17, Noon – 2PM. Approximately 25 volunteers are needed for each of the three time slots.


The counts will be coordinated with the National Bike and Pedestrian Documentation Project and will help further the City’s commitment to be the most bicycle friendly city in America.


To volunteer or for more info, please contact: Dave Smith, CDOT Bikeways Planner, 312.742.7620,


- Lee Crandell, Active Trans

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Last time I did this I got a BTD T-shirt (actually the last 3 times) and they are showing their age...I need a new T-shirt.


The Chicagoan

Rob & I signed up and are awaiting the details from Dave Smith.  We could also use some new t-shirts, although we signed up hoping that it might help the planning of new bike lanes and such. :)
How did this turn out?  Did you get enough volunteers? When will numbers be released?

I participated and was lucky to be assigned to count bicyclists on the Kinzie St protected lane during the evening rush hour. It was interesting to see the flow of motorized traffic as well as the streams of happy bikers. The Chicago Bicycle Program released this info sheet (PDF) two days later about the Kinzie lane specifically; I don't know if that was a coincidence, or if they used the fresh numbers.



Thanks, that data looks quite promising.  I have a friend who works off of Kinzie who was complaining about it (he drives his car 1.5 miles to his office) and how it's so much slower now; that seems to be baseless.



Yeah, I had a lot of people stop to chat with me during the three hours I was there, including two residents of the townhome complex on the northwest side of the bridge. They said they were meeting soon with Ald. Reilly about how it's affected motorized traffic. One guy said that they were worried that if a resident needed an ambulance now, it wouldn't make it through the traffic.

Let's hope that when they meet with the Ald, the Ald. can show some promising numbers.


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