Volunteer at the March 9 Chicago Bike Swap, taking place at UIC!

====(edit 2/6/2013- almost full!)====

Volunteer at the Chicago Bike Swap!

We are recruiting energetic, enthusiastic volunteers to fill a variety of positions at this great event on March 9, 2013.

Positions include bike corral attendants, load-in/load-out support, venue guides, vendor and participant check-in attendants and more.

Spend the day immersed in the vibrant Chicago biking community at this fun, laid-back event.  Proceeds benefit Active Transportation Alliance, The Chainlink, and Bike Winter.

If you've helped out before, this year we're trying out something a little new-- online volunteer registration.

Click here to help make this year's swap a fantastic event!

Volunteer shifts are approximately 4.5 hours. All volunteers receive a Chicago Bike Swap t-shirt (that you’ll be wearing all year) and free admission to enjoy the event.

To learn more about the volunteer positions and scheduled times, visit the Chicago Bike Swap website.

Hope you can join us!

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So I got the confirmation email, but it made it seem like we won't fully know our position until later? Is this correct?
I'm wanting to volunteer, but I might be starting my new job and I don't know what my hours might be. It sucks, I wanted another one of those sweet T-shirts

If it is similar to last years, you can have mine. You can have last years too. :)

Vondo said:

I'm wanting to volunteer, but I might be starting my new job and I don't know what my hours might be. It sucks, I wanted another one of those sweet T-shirts

I see no Friday night volunteers here. Are they needed again this year?


h' 1.0 said:

This is one of the things about the online signup that might not be so wonderful.

Previously we just used a spreadsheet so we just slotted you in and let you know when and where.

With the current process, the volunteer requests sort of accumulate until one pulls them off the sight.

I'll see what I can do to get return communication re: actual scheduled time to happen as early as possible.

grayn8 (5.3 - 36) said:

So I got the confirmation email, but it made it seem like we won't fully know our position until later? Is this correct?

We are either a great bunch or we just like getting in to cycling things for free!

h' 4.5 said:

Just a heads-up-- the majority of volunteer positions are filled! (Wow-- many thanks!)

So if you were hoping to sign up and haven't got around to it yet, better hurry. If you were on the fence, I'm sure there will be other volunteer opportunities down the road :-)

Yep. That's great that everyone is getting the positions that they want! See all you other early morning loaders there.

Guess you can tell by these posts who the early morning folks are. ;-)

You present a compelling argument. I'm in.


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