Because There is no "video" tab, I am making this for folks to share Videos. Please share bicycle videos from your latest ride,commute,how to/DIY, or anything Bike related.

I would also like to share my video here on the Chainlink without having to make a new thread every time.

I said ""...I meant .ORG sorry, not making another video

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     It is a little late. But here is a video of the May Chicago Critical mass that I shot with my helmet mounted Go Pro.

Love this thread.  I, like several here, have made more than a dozen Chicago cycling videos.

One of my favorites is from the 2012 Underwear Mass (2014 one is THIS Friday):

Slideshow of several hundred photos taken at will with a camera in my sun glasses, from the back of a tandem. Played back at about 2/second. I also created the soundtrack.


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