Because There is no "video" tab, I am making this for folks to share Videos. Please share bicycle videos from your latest ride,commute,how to/DIY, or anything Bike related.

I would also like to share my video here on the Chainlink without having to make a new thread every time.

I said ""...I meant .ORG sorry, not making another video

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found this and thought it was quite nice ... pretty much sums up the reasons most of us ride i think

Pedal Tractor Pull... Yeah you heard it!... Pedal Power!!!... Today at the DuPage County Fair. Stills of the rig on my page. Why isn't this an Olympic event?!?
hey brother s&p can you get this vid to stream here?.... maybe dub some 'ventures' music? perhaps... "walk don't run".. s&p style... add some ninjas maybe?

bk (aka: Dr. Mambohead) said:
Pedal Tractor Pull... Yeah you heard it!... Pedal Power!!!... Today at the DuPage County Fair. Stills of the rig on my page. Why isn't this an Olympic event?!?

cool video...i see another big bike challenge in the making

bk (aka: Dr. Mambohead) said:

Pedal Tractor Pull... Yeah you heard it!... Pedal Power!!!... Today at the DuPage County Fair. Stills of the rig on my page. Why isn't this an Olympic event?!?

Cool video

Awesome videos! 

I was working the Big Wheel station near the finish of New Belgiums "Urban Assault ride". The ride had cyclists going to several check points(at various locations though out Chicago) and completing tasks at each one to collect beads. The big wheel was the last challenge before completing the race and turning in the beads.

video from the Hallowoween mass starting at Daley Plaza

video from the bike swap 2013


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