Someone fixed a cam to the back of their bike for the Madison Naked Ride and posted about 20 minutes of it. 

You can see that it was exciting and scary for some, kinda solemn at first, then confusing when we started to hear about the complaint.

I really wish the video was longer beyond the part where we're told to cover up. That's when things got hairy.

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I just read that Madison's ride took place in the middle of the day. Any particular reason for the timing?
Well, from what I understand, that's actually the usual time for a WNBR to take place. They do it in the middle of the day most of the time where ever they do it. I'm not certain, but what I do know is that it's not uncommon.

The gentleman who organized Madison's ride also felt quite strongly that to do it at night time was to admit that we were ashamed of our bodies.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I just read that Madison's ride took place in the middle of the day. Any particular reason for the timing?
Ok. I see the logic behind that even though it has a higher chance of attracting unwanted attention.

Jera Sue said:
Well, from what I understand, that's actually the usual time for a WNBR to take place. They do it in the middle of the day most of the time where ever they do it. I'm not certain, but what I do know is that it's not uncommon.

The gentleman who organized Madison's ride also felt quite strongly that to do it at night time was to admit that we were ashamed of our bodies.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I just read that Madison's ride took place in the middle of the day. Any particular reason for the timing?
Which we totally did.
I didn't like seeing mothers covering the eyes of their children. They're their children... they should be able to decide whether their kids see penis at the farmer's market... I just think it's bad mojo.
I'm sorry to say it but that whole concept is idiotic.

Jera Sue said:
The gentleman who organized Madison's ride also felt quite strongly that to do it at night time was to admit that we were ashamed of our bodies.

I think it comes from the strong nudist lean that the whole ride took. Before the ride and after the ride it was obvious that a good number of the people who were there were there for the chance to be naked and be seen by the public naked and primarily to move the idea that bodies are beautiful... many people commuted there from the outskirts of Madison by car and were headed to Mazo Beach, the nudist beach, after the ride, on and on...

I like to be naked, but it's a pro-bike event first and foremost for me. I posted as much to the madison naked ride yahoo group.

They're planning on doing it in the daytime next year, too. And I'll more than likely be there again. With my folder, on a bus.
Also, I want to mention that I have a lot of respect for the organizer in Madison. Tom is an interesting and very visible character in Madison and I'm glad that it was he who took up the Naked Ride torch there. Madison might think he's a kook, but he's known there as a knowledgeable activist and is somewhat respected in that sense.

And he is an avid cyclist, and when I lived there, most of the times I saw him it was because he was riding his bike by where I was. Never really knew he was as big a nudist as he is, but I'm comfortable with him running the show because I know it's at least half and half for him. He's a good guy with his own opinions.


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