I used this rack some last Year but its been sitting around since so its time to see her. Comes with homemade steel axle mounts( if you don't have brazed on eyelets) and a light mount. It does not come with the brake bridge mount, the stock one is pretty crappy and its easy enough to make yourself one from aluminum stock.

Price: $100
Also willing to trade for a Brooks colt, B15 or B17 Saddle

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Do you have the rail attachment? If so I'm interested.

Are you referring to the metal attachment point at the brake bridge? If so I can take a look for it but the stock one isn't very beefy.

Let me know if that's what your referring to.
No, VO calls it the removable rail attachment, the second picture http://store.velo-orange.com/index.php/vo-porteur-rack.html
Ah those rails, nope it was extra $$ and I didn't have need for it so I never purchased it.
Too bad, I think I'll go with one from VO then since they are included now, but best of luck with your sale
No problem if the rail are what you need their what you need,


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