I was in Vancouver last week and noticed some nice protected bike lanes on Hornby, Dunsmuir, and over the Burrard bridge.

The obvious nice thing about these lanes is that you can actually ride in them.  Drivers can't use them for loading zones or passing lanes, and you don't have to worry about dooring.  I know that riding in Chicago, my speed is almost always limited not by my physical stamina, but by the need to go slow around doors, be able to stop when drivers make crazy maneuvers, etc.  It looked to me like cyclists in these lanes were able to safely go somewhat faster than is possible in unprotected lanes.

The planters looked nice, too...


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Is it just me or did anyone else think of Kyle Maclachlan from Portlandia when the mayor of Vancouver rode into the scene?

Instead of a flat paved stretch just put a concrete wall up then plant the whole thing with spaces to cross if walking or lock up. Not in the middle

Thanks I was really confused on that post as well

Jeff Schneider said:


Mike Zumwalt said:

Instead of a flat paved stretch just put a concrete wall up then plant the whole thing with spaces to cross if walking or lock up. Not in the middle


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