Watch out Critical Mass, you're next...

US Confirms: Citizen Is on CIA Assassination List

New Mexico Cleric Awlaki May Be Killed With Impunity, Officials Insist

New Mexico-born Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki has officially become the first American citizen confirmed to be on the CIA’s assassination list, and officials for the Obama Administration insist he can be killed with impunity by the CIA or the military.

The move comes just two months after National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair informed the House of Representatives that the Obama Administration had reserved for itself the right to kill American citizens overseas as part of a “defined policy...

Already the statists at the National Review are defending the policy,, and the Totalitarian state gets just a the much closer.

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As U.S citizens we need certain rights to defend ourselves against a corrupt government. This case may be right but what about down the line. When does it go too far? When our forefathers rebelled against the British they we seen as murders, terrorists and traders but in hindsight they were heroes for human rights or a step in the right direction at least. Yes laws can be mended and warped for not so good reasons but the underline purpose needs to be addressed that as a people we need to rally and support our basic rights when ever they are threaten despite poplar opinion or situation.

Every American Rapist, murderer and trader deserves their day in court even if they don’t deserve to live. In my opinion by putting hits on our own we are a step closer to the enemies way of thought so this is a victory for them not us.
I'm with you:

Trachea said:
what does this have to do with bicycling?
He put this in a not bike related forum. Remember this is a social networking site composed of mostly adults. There for we get adult related posts. I for one like Spencer's political posts, So why don't you go post a message on facebook asking what farming and mafia wars was to with it.
I have a different opinion. Does that warrant a personal attack?

Matt AKA Jimbo/BMXican said:
He put this in a not bike related forum. Remember this is a social networking site composed of mostly adults. There for we get adult related posts. I for one like Spencer's political posts, So why don't you go post a message on facebook asking what farming and mafia wars was to with it.
Just using an example to prove my point. My bad if it comes off as an attack. If this was really life you would have heard my joke in tone. Maybe I should invent fonts that imply mood? I'll be richer than the guy that invented the snuggie.

If I see you on a ride I owe you a sip off my flask.
Ride on kevin

Kevin Conway said:
I have a different opinion. Does that warrant a personal attack?

Matt AKA Jimbo/BMXican said:
He put this in a not bike related forum. Remember this is a social networking site composed of mostly adults. There for we get adult related posts. I for one like Spencer's political posts, So why don't you go post a message on facebook asking what farming and mafia wars was to with it.
I am with ALI on this one. The fact that someone is a US citizen doesn't grant them a pass in my book. If they are recruiters for terrorists, they have to go. Like Ali said, we need to broaden our strategies to combat these types of threats, terrorists don't play by our rules and "moral authority" isn't going to help us stop some maniac from blowing up a bus or a building. God forbid one of these attacks happens in Chicago, then we'll see if people care whether or not those involved are US citizens when its time for justice.
Ali said:
He is a known recruiter for Al-Qaeda, as well as responsible for funding the terrorists here in the states...I say put 2 in his head...We have to fight these bastards in a more unconventional way. I say put one in his head, and two in his chest...

Well those are the charges anyway. Of course by "charges" I do not mean actual criminal charges charged in any sort of due process.

Ha ha remember when people cared about warrantless wiretaps? Blam! Warrantless execution now!
Vando said:
I am with ALI on this one. The fact that someone is a US citizen doesn't grant them a pass in my book. If they are recruiters for terrorists, they have to go. Like Ali said, we need to broaden our strategies to combat these types of threats, terrorists don't play by our rules and "moral authority" isn't going to help us stop some maniac from blowing up a bus or a building. God forbid one of these attacks happens in Chicago, then we'll see if people care whether or not those involved are US citizens when its time for justice.

Well that's okay because Your Book isn't really any sort of guiding legal document. Actual criminal due process isn't a "free pass" either. It's true that his citizenship doesn't really make that much of a difference, since the whole "the constitution only applies to citizens" was always a popular fiction among right-wing pundits. What's notable is that even that pretense has been stripped away, as well as the pretense of "on the battlefield," and the fact that this is something even Bush was unwilling to implement.


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