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"Simply tell it where you are and where you want to take your 28-speed Cannondale.."

can someone tell me where i can get a 28 speed cannondale?
here is a link to the site in question:

it's a nice idea; too bad the execution blows. it gave some pretty nonsensical suggestions when i entered a few of my typical rides, and the address entry is sub-par. (when i enter my starting location as "state and madison" for a chicago-based map, why would it show a location in Chaffee, MO?!)
What could be safer than riding via Chaffee, MO???

lauren sailor said:
here is a link to the site in question:

it's a nice idea; too bad the execution blows. it gave some pretty nonsensical suggestions when i entered a few of my typical rides, and the address entry is sub-par. (when i enter my starting location as "state and madison" for a chicago-based map, why would it show a location in Chaffee, MO?!)
I couldn't agree more Howard. I dragged the start to where I live(Devon and Broadway) and the stop to around the H-Bar(North and Oakley). IT HAS ME GOING DOWN ASHLAND FROM FOSTER TO WEBSTER FOR DIRECT ROUTE! I'm sorry, but Ashland will definitely freak out an inexperienced cyclist! I even know people on here who are quite experienced, and avoid Ashland like the plague. Why the hell doesn't it go down Damen with a blasted bike lane to boot!?

h3 said:
That's great. When I see obviously inexperienced cyclists bypassing Oakley to play chicken with the Damen or Western Ave. buses, I'll be able to blame it on this not-ready-for-prime-time resource rather than innocent cluelessness.
Sorry Dan, you'll have to wait a few years. Campy just recently went to 11 - a 14-sprocket cassette is quite a ways in the future. But don't worry, they'll get there and then this article won't sound like it was written by an idiot, but a time traveler.

o0_dan_0o said:
"Simply tell it where you are and where you want to take your 28-speed Cannondale.."
can someone tell me where i can get a 28 speed cannondale?
Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Sorry Dan, you'll have to wait a few years. Campy just recently went to 11 - a 14-sprocket cassette is quite a ways in the future. But don't worry, they'll get there and then this article won't sound like it was written by an idiot, but a time traveler.

o0_dan_0o said:
"Simply tell it where you are and where you want to take your 28-speed Cannondale.."
can someone tell me where i can get a 28 speed cannondale?

Dan could try rigging up a bike with a 7 sprocket cassette, a double chainring and a two speed internally geared rear hub. Everything to do it is available now, whether he would want to is a good question however.

Wow S. Just wow. I'll be the one coming up to you next bar night, shaking his head, then walking away. :)

S said:
Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Sorry Dan, you'll have to wait a few years. Campy just recently went to 11 - a 14-sprocket cassette is quite a ways in the future. But don't worry, they'll get there and then this article won't sound like it was written by an idiot, but a time traveler.

o0_dan_0o said:
"Simply tell it where you are and where you want to take your 28-speed Cannondale.."
can someone tell me where i can get a 28 speed cannondale?

Dan could try rigging up a bike with a 7 sprocket cassette, a double chainring and a two speed internally geared rear hub. Everything to do it is available now, whether he would want to is a good question however.

yeah the 2x7 x 2 speed gear hub was what i came up with too, but i didnt think they existed.. Come on, we all know about the 63 speeder!

o0_dan_0o said:
yeah the 2x7 x 2 speed gear hub was what i came up with too, but i didnt think they existed..
I just tried this site. I wanted to see what it recommended as a safe route from my house (48th St.) to my favorite bar in bridgeport. It said to take Halsted all the way, Ugg! The safest route is to go up Union...
I am not a big fan of any computer generated Route Planner be it for bike or car. I'll take an old fashion paper map and my common sense any day.
28 speeds aren't unknown. In the recumbent and folding world, you can combine a Rollhoff hub (14) with a Schlumpf transmission (2).
From the Editor at Urban Daddy -

Hi Julia--

Thanks for letting us see this discussion.

One thing we didn't get into in this piece is that the RTC was designed
to accept feedback with regard to the routes. I think the ultimate
vision of this site is to adopt a sort of a "crowd sourcing"
strategy--so if a route it deems as a good bike route is really not that
good by the users, it allows feedback for you to suggest alternatives,
which presumably will make their way into the routing software.

I hope you're sharing your concerns with the folks at
They seem very genuine, earnest and real biking enthusiasts. I am sure
they would love to hear your thoughts and the thoughts of the Chain

Best wishes,
Chris LaMorte


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