Yesterday I was removing my Kryptonite U-lock and a piece of it fell to the ground. I'm not sure how to describe the piece, but it's the shiny silver piece visible in the lower right of this photo:


Does anyone know if that piece has a function? As far as I can tell the lock still works, but I am nervous about using it if it's more vulnerable for some reason without that piece. (So I took Divvy to work this morning. :)

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That piece allows you to carry the lock on the bike frame with a plastic adapter when not locked up. It shouldn't effect locking function at all.


      (So I took Divvy to work this morning. :)

Note, however, that since that little bit fell off, the rubber washer that held it on also must have departed for greener pastures. Your lock will still work, but I think that washer served to keep water out of the mechanism. You might find it needs more frequent lubrication, especially if you use it in wet weather.  You might be able to scrounge a free replacement at a bike coop or other place that might have used bike parts.

Thanks for the replies!


The old U-lock I used two years ago used to collect and spill water when it would rain; I've enjoyed not having that problem with my current lock. We'll see...


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