Hey ladies, it's that time again already! Time to get up your dukes and fight for the right to represent for Chicago Women's Health Center as one of the TyK PinUp Girls!
This past year we sold nearly 500 copies of the calendar, raised over $4k in sponsorships and have sent out calendars as far as Beijing, London, and Vancouver. Never mind the US distribution. We've been featured in UrbanVelo, COG Magazine, Feature Shoot, TimeOut Chicago to name a few. This year, we're getting out the big guns.
Michelle Nolan, the photographer from the 2009 TyK Calendar, will again be capturing each lady at her best.
SO! It's time to step on up and put your best leg in. Why should YOU be chosen as one of the 2010 Twelve?
TyK 2010 PinUp Application:
- Please answer each of the following sections. Feel free to embellish, after all you are in competition with every other lady on a bike in this city! Make it sassy, make it cute. . . make it all about you. Eventually, pending your acceptance as a TyK PinUp, these will be edited to go online as your official profile on the thoughtyouknew.us site.
STATS: What's your ride?
- Bike type [cruiser, single-speed, fixie, track, geared bike... etc]
- Bike Brand [we're goin after the big gun sponsors this year folks...]
- Components . . . if you know em, brag a bit
- Accessories [fenders, rack, milk crate, pegs, streamers... oh god, please streamers]
BIO: Who are you?
- Where are you from?
- What do you do? [career, volunteering, big life changing past jobs, peace corps]
- What do you live for? [when you aren't a wage slave... do you have fun?]
- What is your first bike memory?
- When did you start riding?
- How and why do you ride? [commuting, heading to the beach, professional messenger, racer]
SO WHAT: And you think you should be a PinUp because?
- Yes, every lady should get to be a PinUp Girl. But there are only 12 months in the year... so why you?
DEADLINE: Extended til JULY 29
Please send to:
TO: agent.fin@gmail.com
SUBJ: TyK 2010 Application

alexis finch
TyK Founder & Producer