I have to attend a work meeting in 20 minutes; but wanted to post a quick heads-up

in case peggy's bike is spotted (police reports and SBR.com reports are pending)


Peggy and I returned home from Italy Monday night; and this morning we discovered

that her (only two months old) red 2 speed (kickback) Torker (purchased at comrade cycles) and my SE Lager (brown with multiple stickers and a rack/milk crate (58 cm))

were stolen from 3330 W. Chicago sometime between June 4 and June 18.


We are very very mad/angry/bummed; I only really care about her bike (and my white rear velocity deep V that was about 6 weeks old).


We will also check the swap-o-rama sunday; if anyone spots either bike please

contact peggy robinson at 773 934 3156 or dan brown 312 351 4052


I will attach photos later.


thanks chainlink



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