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Replies to This Discussion fun as it was, the calls were tough to hear. almost all my questions were followed up with a 'huh...wha you say'.

i got a prank call, and right after i got a pledge from Seri. Thanks Seri!!

Great screen shots, Howard!
Good shit! Way to go guys!!! ;-)
these. shots. are. so. awesome. are the shirts, and everyone wearing them!

thanks to all who made this happen!!! :D
whoo hoo! YES a drinking game laura, and thanks shar! i braided it so it'd fit nicely under my cycling cap with ear flaps, but one of the cameramen asked me and iggi to take our hats off. i was especially bummed because my hat matched the shirt really well, but what can you do. howard, um, please don't be my lice :)

great job on the shirts, they look stellar! and thanks to the BW chairs for a great idea!
Nice job Lowell & Julie.
It was hard to hear.
I was so mad last night. I went to put in a load of laundry and my digital converter box promptly broke at 7:38! You guys and gals are lookin' good!
Had a blast at WTTW last night.Gene Honda is freaking awesome!
It was Lowell's idea! Anyone have a BW volunteer idea for January or Feb? I was thinking Night Ministry van. We can stand out in the cold better than anyone!

lauren sailor said:
whoo hoo! YES a drinking game laura, and thanks shar! i braided it so it'd fit nicely under my cycling cap with ear flaps, but one of the cameramen asked me and iggi to take our hats off. i was especially bummed because my hat matched the shirt really well, but what can you do. howard, um, please don't be my lice :)

great job on the shirts, they look stellar! and thanks to the BW chairs for a great idea!
This was a lot of fun...though a major part of the fun was getting to hang out with the other awesome bike winter folks!

I agree that Night Ministry might be a good fit since we're adept at being out in the cold.

We also could commit to doing a shipping party for Working Bikes. I've seen those come up, and am a bit embarrassed that I've never actually done one.

The foodbank also offers volunteer opportunities that we could consider as well.
Mark, that drawing is this coming Sunday, the 12th.
M.A.R.K. said:
Sooooooooooooooooooooo... Who won the bike?

Well, we could produce bike winter products and then sell them at a profit.  There are also some events that will provide a donation to a group in exchange for them providing volunteers.  I know some concessions stand organizations will do this during games, but I don't know who to contact for that.


For next year we could do a bike winter volunteer group for Bike the Drive to get that donation, though there is a lot of overlap within groups to make that happen.


We could always do a bake sale.  Or have a bike winter table at the swap with donated items and have all of the profits go to bike winter.


I do think it's valuable to have bike other volunteering experiences, so we shouldn't disregard those.


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