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I have been able to identify Jami, Aaron, Freddie Lauren, John Who else???
That redhead is CUTE!
Nice! I just called in my pledge. What little TV we watch is WTTW. Looking good, Bike Winter, esp with those T-shirts.
Is anyone else playing a drinking game with this?
Drink everytime you see a fellow bike winterer.
I am DVRing the second half, maybe we can play the game at a CL event.
Excuse me while I sit here shaking my head and laughing.
Laura said:
Is anyone else playing a drinking game with this?
Drink everytime you see a fellow bike winterer.
I am DVRing the second half, maybe we can play the game at a CL event.
Kevin Conway has an alibi. As well as Iggi.
Lauren you have really great hair!!!

H3N3 said:

I'm with Gin in that my broadcast TV viewing is pretty much WTTW, I may as well step up. I was finally moved to pledge when Geoffrey Baer mentioned something about showing good numbers to the company president; how cool it would be if the bike show got the most pledges during their winter drive (how weird that word seems right here).

Besides, it was cool seeing all the BikeWinter shirts (i think I helped make some of those!)

Oh yeah, my call ended up with a non-volunteer at a call overflow center.
HAHAHA, these are awesome!
Kevin's words - sorry mame, I cannot take you out on a date for your pledge tonight...
You guys all look so serious like you were really concentrating!
Haha, I was because it was so loud. We had to really concentrate on hearing the callers most of the time.

Julie Hochstadter said:
You guys all look so serious like you were really concentrating!


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