Does anyone know anything about what happened on the lakefront around North Ave this week?  I saw limited coverage of it.  I bring it up because of two things I noticed: the story in the Trib this morning said the jogger who was attacked called out "on your left" in the tunnel and was beaten for his trouble, and someone left this comment on the site:


On the bike path by the beach south of McCormick Place yesterday, there were numerous young men blocking the path. They coolly walked out in front of oncoming bikers to force them off the path. They clearly hoped for a confrontation, but wise bikers simply slow down and go around them. I imagine the response to being hit by a cyclist, even though stepping in front of oncoming traffic would be the cause of the collision, would have been violent.

Bikers beware. There are young people looking for trouble on the lakefront bike path. They have not put away childish things. Do not give them the confrontation they so clearly desire.


Anyone else have any incidents to share?  I noticed the guys standing on the path around 31st St beach this week, but was able to go around without issue.  Be careful out there.

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yes. lets do it. teach them some respect.

I didn't realize things were this bad. But, coming down from the north end to 18th I noticed way more kids walking several abreast on the path. Luckily there was plenty of space to go around this time. And here I was looking forward to a good summer of biking. Maybe it is time to get a car rack and start riding elsewhere...
I rode the Lake Shore Path tonight from North Ave to the terminus at Ardmore-- I saw three squad cars on the trail, one guardian angel on a bike, two bike cops, and lots and lots of teens milling about. I also saw a lot of teens in Lincoln Park near the trail entrance sizing me up. I was wondering what was going on, so thank you to all that posted to fill me in. I can't say that I felt unsafe while riding, but I was curious about what was happening. Better safe than sorry.
Since I counseled paranoia here I thought I'd mention that a friend and I just hopped on the path at Fullerton around 1 in the morning and rode down to Hyde Park, seeing something like three citizens and one cop the whole way. Certainly worth keeping your wits about you these days and going out of your way to ride with someone late, but no one should have the impression that the whole lakefront is like a scene out of The Warriors.
I ride down from Kenosha and see all sorts of teens just looking around for another victim around underpasses, milling around tables, what have you. You must maintain situational awarness when riding and use good judgement. Bear spray is a good start to carry. A new non-lethal favorite of mine is the air horn. That works when a bell does not make people move quickly enough. Used it the other night going through North Chicago. Punk kids were hanging out in traffic and decided to come up to me. They wanted money for some beer. One kid grabbed my arm. Out came the air horn and blasted the pos in the face. He ran like the police were after him. Another tactic is hiding ice picks inside the handle bar ends. Saw this up in Zion at the Metra stop. A fellow was just getting off and had wooden knobbed bar ends. I asked him if they help him ride better. Than he showed me what the true nature was. 6-9" long steel ice picks. Other item he had was a red shop towel with a longer shackeld Master Lock padlock attached to the other end. It swings like a blackjack and would not want to get hit with it. It swings faster than a U-lock and is quicker to deploy and use. Bear Spray and air horns are both sold at Jalensky'S Sporting Goods and Marine in Kenosha. Davo, get 2-3 ft of tow chain with a hook on the end at the local hardware store. It has a meaner bite than a u-lock!
Since Monday today was the first I have ridden past North beach. I road the penny farthing through that stretch and in a half mile I passed cops on bikes, atv's, cars, paddy wagons, on foot, and guardian angles on bikes. I know people have had some problems. However in the last month since joining this site and catching a bike thief kinda (cop fail) I have gotten more paranoid.
I had an awesome ride. First mass riding alone and it was amazing talking to people. Part of mass jumped on LSD. I jumped on the LFP, I can't rock that on a penny (until Sunday). I rode south a bit and found a police barricade on the lake path.
Pretty gnarly stuff cop wise. However they seemed fairly cool from my personal interactions with them tonight all things considered. I have still been carrying the knuckles with me and locking up better. Still such a rad night. Rat Patrol, Scallywags, lots of people asking about changing tires, good times all around.
I don't really think things have changed on the lake front. This summer is still just gearing up. I imagine it will be much like any other summer. Get out ride yer bike. Lock it up right and protect yourself and it will be fine.

PS. carry your knuckles. By knuckles I mean non life threatening legal protection apparatus of some sort.
Come out and Plaaaay! ;-) And for the dude that said get a car rack. Just ride on the street. ;-)

Dr. Doom said:
Since I counseled paranoia here I thought I'd mention that a friend and I just hopped on the path at Fullerton around 1 in the morning and rode down to Hyde Park, seeing something like three citizens and one cop the whole way. Certainly worth keeping your wits about you these days and going out of your way to ride with someone late, but no one should have the impression that the whole lakefront is like a scene out of The Warriors.
Hahaha, "Warriors, come out and play" was my facebook status today, cause that's been stuck in my head all week, and cause I am looking for someone to play with today because it is gorgeous out.

On a different note: Unfortunately, this was a comment on this article, :

"Steve on May 25, 2010 5:09 PM
I am a Chicago Police officer and North Ave beach is my district and patrol area. We are extremely short of police officers and it's going to get worse with the announcement by Mayor Daley that some city services are going to be cut due to the economy. Like the one comment above, it's going to be an interesting summer in Chicago."

Great. Just great. A Chicago Police officer said it himself, it's not going to get taken care of. CUSS, I ride from Jackson to Fullerton and Fullerton to Jackson on the LFP to and from my dog walking route everyday. CUSS!!!!!!!!!

Gabe said:
Come out and Plaaaay! ;-) And for the dude that said get a car rack. Just ride on the street. ;-)
Dr. Doom said:
Since I counseled paranoia here I thought I'd mention that a friend and I just hopped on the path at Fullerton around 1 in the morning and rode down to Hyde Park, seeing something like three citizens and one cop the whole way. Certainly worth keeping your wits about you these days and going out of your way to ride with someone late, but no one should have the impression that the whole lakefront is like a scene out of The Warriors.
The fact that Steve, an anonymous internet commenter, says he's a cop, doesn't mean he's a cop.

Jackie said:
Hahaha, "Warriors, come out and play" was my facebook status today, cause that's been stuck in my head all week, and cause I am looking for someone to play with today because it is gorgeous out.

On a different note: Unfortunately, this was a comment on this article, :

"Steve on May 25, 2010 5:09 PM
I am a Chicago Police officer and North Ave beach is my district and patrol area. We are extremely short of police officers and it's going to get worse with the announcement by Mayor Daley that some city services are going to be cut due to the economy. Like the one comment above, it's going to be an interesting summer in Chicago."

Touche. It could have been a fake comment to create a rouse.... I hope you're right.

heather stratton said:
The fact that Steve, an anonymous internet commenter, says he's a cop, doesn't mean he's a cop.

Jackie said:
Hahaha, "Warriors, come out and play" was my facebook status today, cause that's been stuck in my head all week, and cause I am looking for someone to play with today because it is gorgeous out.

On a different note: Unfortunately, this was a comment on this article, :

"Steve on May 25, 2010 5:09 PM
I am a Chicago Police officer and North Ave beach is my district and patrol area. We are extremely short of police officers and it's going to get worse with the announcement by Mayor Daley that some city services are going to be cut due to the economy. Like the one comment above, it's going to be an interesting summer in Chicago."

I rode the LFP home from a job at Comiskey tonight. Entered at 31st around 11 pm. Fairly deserted south of Monroe Harbor and then I began seeing the police rolling on bikes. At Olive Park there were 4 police milling around on foot, and riding the towards the bend at Oak Street, I ran into 2 rolling squads, 10 police on bikes, 2 more squads, a bunch of citizens and then one last squad rolling south who kicked me off the LFP at Division. Why the other cops didn't shoo me off I don't know but I exited at Oak Street and made my way north on Lincoln. I can't recall being kicked off the LFP at any point since I moved to Chicago in 1990.

I can't report any encounters with ruffians although at 32nd/Praire I crossed the path of a big-ass raccoon. The critter had to have been 40+ pounds and it was not pleased that I crossed it's path.
I rode the southern half yesterday around 7am and it was all clear of youths. Actually, only a handful of crazies were out in the ridiculous fog and humidity (really, condensation on the brake cables?). I rode the north half mid-afternoon and once again no incidents. There were plenty of slow groups of tourists clogging the path, but that was it. There was a mild police presence, and I saw an officer checking bags near North Avenue Beach.


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