I pass 2 Lincoln statues on my daily ride. He is standing in one and sitting in the other. My commute is Montrose/Lakefront to Wells/Van Buren and back. I usually take the lakefront to work and Dearborn to the park to Clark/ etc. home.
Here are the questions.
Which Lincoln do I see Southbound?
Which Lincoln do I see Northbound?
Where is the sitting Lincoln?
Where is the standing Lincoln?

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I believe that the monument in Logan Square (but not the eagle statue on top) was designed by the architect of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC (but, again, not the sculptor of the Lincoln statue therein).

Hooray for Eli!

Other than Lincoln, there is only one monument to a president in Lincoln Park.  Who is it and where is it?

Wolcott Ave was Lincoln Street until 1939

in it to win it 8.0 mi said:

Lincoln Park
Lincoln Ave
Lincoln Square

There's a terra cotta bas-relief of Lincoln in the stairwell of Sulzer Library.

I live in front of Grant Park. I whisk by the Lincoln statue there but the ped walkway near it is under construction so foot traffic is low at this time.

The saddest part of the Lincoln statue is the bird poop that emanates on his head.

re: the line in the weekly Chainlink e-mail:Trivia: Lincoln Statues - They ain't just in Lincoln Square! In It to Win It wants to know how many Old Hickories are out there and where.

Ahem, 'Old Hickory' was Andrew Jackson, NOT Abraham Lincoln.

I cheated, and used Google. I found a rather interesting one in Garfield Park, Lincoln the Railsplitter. A statue of Lincoln as a young, clean shaven, man. http://www.cpdit01.com/resources/planning-and-development.fountains...




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