Tri-State Tour #2 Volunteer Opportunities this Sunday - FREE JERSEY OR RIDE!

Hello everyone, we are e-mailing everyone about a couple volunteer opportunities for the upcoming Tri-State Tour #2 on Sunday August 4th

We are looking for volunteers to help us work our rest stop locations, particularly at Morton Grove, Lake Forest, and Waukegan.

In return we can offer you either a free Bicycle Illinois jersey or you can participate in one of our Tri-State Tour events next season (including the return transportation). Many people who have volunteered in the past have used this as an opportunity to volunteer for one event and ride for free for the other. Or if you have another idea please don’t hesitate to let me know – we’re totally open to other ideas as well.

Thanks - we look forward to hearing from you!




Robert S. Layton, Director
Bicycle Illinois
P.O. Box 8454
Chicago , IL 60680
(877) TOUR-ILL

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What time of day? I assume this is a most of the day thing but just wondering

Here are the VERY ROUGH start and end times for each location:


Morton Grove: 8:30 am - 12:45 pm

Lake Forest: 10:30 am - 3:45 pm

Waukegan: 11:00 am - 4:45 pm

Most likely the actual times riders will come through will be shorter, but this of course is dependent on such things as weather conditions, road construction, and individual rider ability level.


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