Trek 800 Frame circa 1996 in West Rogers Park

Has everything except the wheels.  Needs some TLC but can be brought back to life.  Free to a good home!  Just come and pick it up.

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Is that for 26"MTB wheels or 700 hybrids?

I believe MTB

Ah, OK.  My google-fu was failing me.   I'd so jump at it if only was 700.    I already built a killer CX bike out of a Trek 720 Hybrid.  I'm looking for similar for a new city bike.  

What size is the frame?

Don't remember the official spec, but I busted out the tape measure and it looks like the center tube is about 22"

I'm interested shoot me an email if it is still available

@Josh.E it is still available.   Trying to figure out how to email you.

Josh.E said:

I'm interested shoot me an email if it is still available

Update: Free to a good home

Still up for grabs?

You can just donate it Working Bikes

I have a good home. Is it still available?

It is still available.  You just need to come and get it.

It has been claimed.


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