This short, concise article makes sense. It's worth reading.

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I wish they would come up with something like that for the Charity Walkers.

Last year I was riding to Belmont Harbour at 8 AM on a Saturday from North Ave and encountered a river/wall of walkers that thought they were the bee's knee's because they were on a Charity Walk. I was sworn at, had stuff thrown at me, was told that I should take surface streets as it was their day and I should not be using the Bike Path, had a number actually move to block the entire path... seriously? Take your kicks and walk next to the path on the grass, softer on the underused ankles of the average walker.
Yeah...WALKERS!!! as big a pain in the @$$ as bicyclists are to cars on THEIR streets.

But really, I never understood walking/running on the hard paved surface if there is a packed gravel path next to it.

And while my biggest agravation is families and groups walking along and blocking the path I keep in my mind, at least they are taking their kids OUTSIDE and trying to do something positive with them. I haven't rode the lakefront yet this year, and I think I will be avoiding it, sound like it's getting more crowded...
what are some alternative areas to ride closeby then?


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